Sully-官方預告片 [HD]

9月9日上映!閱讀啟發電影的書:來自奧斯卡獲獎導演克林特·伊斯特伍德(Clint Eastwood)(「美國狙擊手」,「百萬富翁」美元寶貝」)出現在華納兄弟影業的電視劇《薩利》中,由奧斯卡獎得主湯姆·漢克斯(湯姆·漢克斯(Tom Hanks))飾演切斯利隊長薩利伯格·蘇倫伯格(Sully Sullenberger)。 2009年1月15日,世界見證了「哈德遜奇蹟」,「薩利」船長薩倫伯格將滑行的殘障飛機滑到哈德遜河的冰冷水域上,挽救了這155人的生命。 然而,就在蘇利因其空前的航空技術壯舉而受到公眾和媒體的追捧之時,正在進行的調查也有可能破壞他的聲譽和職業。 《蘇利》還飾演亞倫·埃克哈特(Aaron Eckhart,《奧林匹斯號已經墮落》,《黑暗騎士》),作為蘇利的副駕駛傑夫·斯基爾斯(Jeff Skiles)和奧斯卡提名人勞拉·林尼(Laura Linney)(《野人》,《肯西》,Showtime的《大人物》) )作為蘇利的妻子洛林·蘇倫伯格(Lorraine Sullenberger)。 伊斯特伍德將根據托勒·科馬尼克(Todd Komarnicki)的電影劇本來導演這部電影,該電影改編自蘇倫伯格(Sullenberger)和傑弗里·扎斯洛(Jeffrey Zaslow)的《最高職責》。 該項目由Eastwood,Frank Marshall,Allyn Stewart和Tim Moore製作,由Kipp Nelson和Bruce Berman擔任執行製片人。 這部電影使伊斯特伍德與他的長期合作者重聚,他們最近與導演合作製作了全球熱門的《美國狙擊手》:攝影導演湯姆·斯特恩和製作設計師詹姆斯·J·村上,他們的作品均獲得奧斯卡提名。 「改變中的人」; 服裝設計師Deborah Hopper; 和編輯Blu Murray。 華納兄弟電影公司與鄉村路演電影公司合作,展示了手電筒電影,肯尼迪/馬歇爾公司的電影,馬爾帕索的電影「薩利」。 這部電影將由華納兄弟娛樂公司華納兄弟電影公司在全球發行。 。

  1. I asked my step father if he could do this. He said 「no!」 Lol. My stepfather is a fighter pilot in the air force and flew commercial planes for 30 years.

  2. Captain Sullenberger – an absolute hero. This film – completely boring. I don't believe there was any serious doubt in the pilot's actions and just making Tom Hanks look old doesn't make for a good film.

  3. I have to commend Clint Eastwoods restrained & believable take on this incident & though some thought the nightmares & visions that Sully had of the planes crashing into the Twin Towers were unneeded you have to remember that the shocking events of 9/11 were only in 2001 & this forced landing happened 8 years later & I deny any pilot that didn't have that infamous day playing in their mind & these pilots were in the air more times than not & yes I do take into account that they have to take the necessary rest & sleep between flights…

    This movie is not done in a documentary fashion but is delivered by very down to earth realistic performances from all of the cast, especially Tom Banks & Aaron Eckhart, as they drive this movie along in an insightful compelling way & it's through their eyes (along with the flight crew & passengers) that this film adaptation unfolds into a very compulsive must view movie of a real event that could've ended in another air disaster if it wasn't for the quick thinking of the pilots…

    You also see, as what happened in real life, the investigation into this landing & as per usual the National Transportation Safety Board or any company or committee of representatives for the airline just can't wait to (in my opinion) put it down to Pilot Error & place the blame on the Pilot…

    I could go into so many cases through the years from various different manufacturers of cars/planes/factory machinery et al were they were always looking for an angle to put it down to Human Error…

    To its advantage this movie doesn't drag in & by the time it's finished it's very easy to imagine yourself as one of those passengers because of what we as human beings have to do for a living & thankfully we are reminded that this tale had a happy ending & we need more of this happening as too many people want to paint the world as a very volatile violent place, which I'm not denying, but we must spend as much effort reporting & rejoicing in the good in the world, as we do the bad…


    If you've got Netflix or you can buy it then watch " The Miracle On The Hudson River " to give you a more insightful look at what happened that day… As landing the plane safely was only part of the story & you'll hear how everyone did their best to get everyone out of the Hudson before they died as though it was tagged/labeled The Miracle On The Hudson River there were those who were seriously injured & this documentary shows you from the crews/passengers & those trying to save them points of view as it was the combined efforts of landing the plane safely & every one who was in a boat that could get to them did so, but even then it wasn't as easy as you'd think to get these people on those boats…

    In light of the still ongoing coronavirus stay safe and healthy wherever you are in the world…


  4. Everyone talks about how Sully is the hero, but it's kind of overrated. In 2002, a pilot crash-landed in a shallow river, with twists and turns, between 2 bridges, yet no one talk about him.

  5. Tom Hanks travel history:

    1. In Plane: Landed in a river (Sully)

    2. In Boat: Hijacked by Pirates (Captain Phillips)

    3. FedX Plane: Stranded on an island for 4 years (Cast Away)

    4. Stranded on JFK Airport (The Terminal)

    5. Apollo 13: Spacecraft undergoes internal damage (Apollo 13)

    MORAL: Never Travel With "TOM HANKS"

  6. Watching this movie made me hate the media and politics! They try to twist things before they get to listen to his whole story! They even swarmed his house where his family members that have no involvement with the incident were!

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