《漫威蜘蛛俠》的10個新功能重製版! (PS5)

►在此視頻中,我將深入研究PS5上漫威的《蜘蛛俠重製版》,並解釋遊戲中的每個新功能。 遊戲簡介:漫威的蜘蛛俠重製版是蜘蛛俠PS4的更新版本,為PlayStation 5增強。此遊戲是一項獎勵,僅適用於在PS5上獲得蜘蛛俠:邁爾斯·莫拉萊斯終極版的玩家。 此版本的遊戲增加了光線追蹤,更新的圖形,並提供了一種性能模式,可將幀頻提高到60 FPS。 訂閱更多蜘蛛俠PS5視頻! •訪問我的網站:https://ynsection.com/•在Twitter上關注我以獲取視頻更新:https://twitter.com/ynSection關於此頻道ynSection是專用的粉絲頻道,可幫助提供高質量的指南,復活節彩蛋,以及蜘蛛俠遊戲的播放視頻。 我通過我錄製和編輯的遊戲畫面來娛樂和教育觀眾。 。

  1. To be honest. The improved loading times will be the best part of these games. 60 seconds may not sound like much. But think about it. You got through those loading zones on average every 15 minutes. A 5 hour session would be cut by 20 minutes just by those loading screens. You would spend about 7% of the time you were in the game looking at a loading screen. All of that will be gone. This means not only will we get higher quality games, we get more time to play our games and thus, get more out of them.

  2. I heard there's a trade off between smoothness and graphic features. They says it has option to choose between full graphic features but 30fps or limited graphic features but 60fps.

  3. The original face gives me more of an Amazing Spiderman vibe which fits Peter』s personality in this game, while the new face makes Peter look like Tom Holland who is not very experienced in the movies and in my opinion doesnt fit peter in the game. Im not trying to be rude to Ben Jordan (who I hope is doing well) but in all seriousness, this did not need to be changed. On the other hand though, I dont like that people are being rude to Ben and calling him a baby. Thats not right. I understand that people dont like the change but you dont have to be rude to the guy, he did nothing wrong

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