傳奇野生梯隊的早期訪問聯盟| 我終於可以玩了!

終於我邀請了! 。

  1. In league it's always or 1112 if I were to remember right mage is supposed to solo haven't played in pc for a long time so almost forgot

  2. Hororochan: some skills seems familiar??
    :Ask moontoon why :v xD

    Some of the skills in ml are from league and dota they're just combining all the skills from the different champions to make a unique hero in ml. That's what I thought when I first play ml in 2018 tho. lol they're pretty much alike, and yea you could not call it plagiarism if they make it unique and specially when the game isn't in mobile lmao.

  3. Sorry to say this.. but obviosly MOBILE LEGENDS graphics and special effects has more realistic than this. Plus the VOICE operator of this game is sounds boring.. unlike ML voice operator tha has more energetic. Especially in this,,,,,
    – You have slain an enemy
    – Double kill
    – Tripple kill
    – Maniac !
    – SAVAGE

  4. Here's a good tip for getting lol wildrift early much easier ..

    try to go to the setting then application manager then find google play then reset data Or anythig that resembles reset data then pre register lol wildrift then wait at least 30 mins then check if you got wild rift if you didnt get wildrift then try to wait until the next morning or night. i pre registered four accounts in wildrift using this method and after 30 mins i got early access on all of them . if you got wildrift enjoy Thx for reading this btw ??

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