TANK 432 AKA牛頭犬的肚子-英國官方預告片

導演尼克·吉萊斯皮(Nick Gillespie)和執行製片人本·惠特利(Ben Wheatley)(導演,殺戮者,高層)帶來了這把刀鋒驚悚的驚悚片,講述了一群傭兵在逃避一個神秘的,看不見的敵人。 TANK 432 AKA鬥牛犬的肚皮在戛納電影節電影節放映,並於2016年8月22日登陸英國DVD。

  1. Ahh another straight to 「outside the US Netflix」 special. All the crap eventually turns up on the visual sewer that is Netpricks

  2. Any body think thiers a second movie to answer all of ur questions ???
    Ya sure it sucked ass biggest waste of and hr and a half ever ..but maybe the reason we didnt get answers in the movie is cuz thier is a secone one that will give us the answers

  3. This is, without a doubt, one of the worst movies ever made.

    Basic plot: Cardboard cutout soldiers run around with Guantanamo Bay replica hostages in starkly obvious fake setting. Then they lock themselves inside a tank, slowly go crazy and kill each other. Because … reasons? Oh, right, because they're sniffing orange spray paint.

    The amount of 'flip table at this logic' moments is staggering. No one questions why they can't remember much, what their 'mission' is actually about, or why they're having random delusions of freaking gas masked ghosts chasing them. Obvious 'Captain Suspicious' writes down notes like a scientist observing lab rats, and when one character attempts to grab it, the others unquestioningly rush to Captain's aid. Said Captain somehow is surprised by records of them in the tank listing experiments, even though he's in on it. Random hostage girl somehow unlocks tank even though no one else can do it. Irish guy who serves as the film's main 'antagonist' somehow dancing around all chipper, even with a bone sticking out of his leg. And he's not a delusion, no, because everyone sees him.

    Worst of all, the ending is obvious from a mile away and has got to be one of the most cliched, generic, 'take a dump on my manuscript' cop-outs in writing. NOTHING is explained. It's basically: "Ooo, the experiment! The experiment is a success! Now kill everyone!"

    I've never seen such a nonsensical, ridiculous, utter piece of garbage in my life. Nick Gillespie, Ben Wheatley, and whoever wrote this piece of crap need to take a one-way ticket back to film school. Better yet, choose another career. ANY career. Cover yourself in paint and jump at a blank canvas. You'll be better at it than this.

    P.S. Screw Netflix for manipulating user ratings. 4 and a half stars? HA. Sorry, even I don't believe there are that many brain-dead people in the world. Give me back my hour and a half.

  4. And you all voted Plan 9 from outer space the worst movie ever! That was not a tank, no gun,no weapons(or they would have written them in to the script) an APC FOR SURE. 1 HR 32 MINS of my life wasted.The funniest part was when hard nut shit himself but no one else did!? I hope those(actors) don"t put this on there C.V 🙁

  5. The film has a good premise, but misses a glaring opportunity.
    Soldiers and hooded prisoners come under fire and take refuge in an old tank. While there they begin snapping at one another and there is the loss: there is no attempt at civil communication, human interest, and the individuality of the characters isn't maximized. The ability to craft a great ensemble is missed and the film feels overly long because of the monotony.

  6. i just watched the WHOLE movie.. I say that with a little pride because it was a challenge. I only watched to the end to see if there were any answers … I should of just bailed.

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