扎克·埃夫隆(Zac Efron)走向現實官方預告片| 網飛

在新的旅遊節目中,演員Zac Efron與健康專家Darin Olien環遊世界,以尋找健康,可持續的生活方式。 訂閱:http://bit.ly/29qBUt7關於Netflix:Netflix是全球領先的流媒體娛樂服務,在190多個國家/地區擁有1.83億付費會員,享受各種類型和語言的電視連續劇,紀錄片和故事片。 會員可以在任何連接互聯網的屏幕上隨時隨地觀看所需的內容。 成員可以播放,暫停和繼續觀看,而無需廣告或承諾。 扎克·埃夫隆(Zac Efron)走向現實官方預告片| Netflix https://youtube.com/Netflix演員扎克·埃夫隆(Zac Efron)與健康專家達琳·奧利恩(Darin Olien)一起環遊世界,這是一場旅行節目,探索健康,可持續的生活方式。 。

  1. These shows had a huge impact on me and how we are living on this earth. It has always been very important to me to know how and where our food source comes from, and it was fantastic to follow you all to get more educational aspects of everything we have already and sadly do not know how to use it in the right way without harming our planet. I'm so grateful for you all taking the time to broadcast this for all of us to see and give us a wake up call. As an Icelander living in the US I do see how far Iceland as come and how far US still needs to go. But doing these shows is a big step in the right direction. So thank you all so much!

  2. Ugh my God I had a terrible dream about you last night Zac!! Don't go to any weddings and don't jump off of any steps or stairs that have a pond below with sharp flat slated like rocks. It's like a manmade fish pond. Idc if you may think OKAY but fr watch what you're doing and where you go I suppose. You never know right? It was f***ing CRAZY your throat was sliced open by the landing and you landed flat onto the rocks. You were so scared and I was running with you in my arms to find a hospital or get help to get you the the hospital. There's a little more that happened but it's way too crazy to even tell you I can't even. Anyway I hope you get this message and stay SAFE! NO JUMPING OFF OF ANYTHING OKAY!! ?????

  3. So far the series is alright, I have some critques. I just got done with episode 3 . I would have appreciated some more time speaking to the indigenous people of the locations visited. I would love to see white people who go to these countries learn and honor the indigenous that are there and their ancestors. Also as I scrolled through the episodes I did not see any African representation or black Caribbean . I would love for people to acknowledge that many indigenous cultures were already living sustainable lives before Western imperialism came along.i would like to see white people honor the wisdom of indigenous people when it comes to creating solutions.

  4. In third episode now. I hope Zac will loosen up bit more from being awkward and not knowing how to react. So far it seems like it's the other guys show.

  5. How can someone like me get them to hear some ideas that may be exactly what was needed and we could start the USA's first entire townvillage of people and methods like the episode #3 on this documentary. I saw Zack have the same awakening that I had myself this last year and I believe that Morristown NY is the town to start this.

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