適用於Xbox Series X和PlayStation 5的NBA 2k21評估

Ben Vollmer在Xbox Series X上對Xbox Series X和PlayStation 5進行了NBA 2k21評估。在PlayStation 5上也可用。#ign。

  1. Defensive AI during pick and rolls adjust over the course of the game, as they would in real life. For example if Steph gets hot from shooting threes off pick and rolls, the AI will start to switch harder. This is all accoring to Da_Czar, 2K's AI dev.

  2. I』m not sure if the dislikes are due to gamers hating on ign for giving a decent score or nba fans for ign giving a low score.

  3. It』s ridiculous how negative everyone is, why complain about something we can』t fix, yes there are micro transactions, but don』t let that stop you from buying the game. The game does seem to have improved a bit. Play NBA2K because you love the NBA and basketball, this game will never be perfect, and we have to except that but I don』t understand why everyone is so negative about this game, maybe just buy one 2K every 2 years.

  4. This game legitimately addicts you like a casino. I found myself nearly pulling the trigger on buying VC just to improve in myteam. It』s either that or just a crazy grind. Not worth it either way.

  5. Somebody please send me the money to buy the "xbox series x" I'm struggling and I have back pain problems so I can't work and I want a "xbox series x" for christmas so please send the money to my cash app $TYC118284

  6. y'all hating on the Brooklyn Nets forreal in this review. Y'all do understand they prob gonna be in the finals and win it this season right?

  7. I don't understand how they made LA Noire like 10 years ago and it had one the best face mocap and animation to date and why these game companies dnt use the same technology. I dnt know cos the facial animations in these NBA games are so stiff they always throws me off given that it's supposed to be a graphical showcase??

  8. Unnecessary grinding? Literally the point of my career is to make your player better and better as time goes on. That's how it should be. The problem is the idiotic 2k community that complains about microtransactions, and then spends 100 bucks on vc.

  9. If you don't buy the face mask in My player you catch the virtual version of Covid-19 which will makes match making and grinding extra difficult!???

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