8:46-Dave Chappelle

戴夫(Dave)的話:「通常,我不會向您展示如此精緻的東西,希望您能理解。」 這不是特別的,而是對Dave在2020年6月6日在俄亥俄州的演出中表達的情感和思想的即興清除。Dave對將與喬治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)逝世有關的任何內容貨幣化並不感興趣。 相反,他鼓勵您加入他的行列,以支持平等司法倡議和人權保護。 有關EJI的更多信息或進行捐贈,請訪問https://support.eji.org/chappelle主持人:Julia Reichert和Steve Bognar。

  1. The Freedom to Speak is objective..What Dave is pointing out are the facts that have plauged many cultures for centuries…Blacks, Latinos, American Indians and so many of America occupants born in foreign countries. O pray my children, all whom are interracial understand that they are the future and the old ideals of cultural adherence are the worst part of American history behind slavery. Unite, hold up all hands and stand. We now have the guns and the numbers. But let's not forget why so many died, sacrificed. Be the example, starting now. Love, accept, understand, learn together

  2. The POLICE STATE MAFIA is not here for our protection SUPREME COURT RULING. That is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. Look it up.

  3. Dave Chapelle is the epitome of a leader, in general. He speaks facts like this on numerous topics, but none as hard-hitting as the ones that he understands the best… What the black community truly goes through. Everytime we have natural reactions to what happens to the people who share our race, we are faced with psychological warfare. We face the ultimate gas-lighting, and are given just enough space to work with so we don't feel what our ancestors did. Nowadays, it is nearly impossible for the ENTIRE black community to come together on one accord, because of how deep those psychological strings have been sewn. Kudos to Dave Chappelle for being able to see the very telling patterns that go on under this topic.

  4. Fuck GOD I hate GOD cause he allows it…blaming white people ok so basically GOD wants blacks to be like fuck it start a War huh what kind of GOD is that

  5. Alright as much as I love Dave Chappelle the whole Chris dorner thing is all wrong. I suggest people to read the Wikipedia article. No one was Swiss cheesed he actually killed himself and burned to death. As much as I agree with him please give actual facts.

  6. hey dave, did you watch the body cams? wonder why he was foaming at the mouth? wonder why the black bystander told floyds' friends that it was floyds fault? stop resisting and the cops wont be put in a position where your life is in danger.

  7. When he said he can't get out the 8:46 in his head because its his birth time, 8:46AM.

    And now this is the most watched video in the world for 2020. This guy making a huge impact. I believe God used you to deliver the message. God bless you.

  8. So he's referring to perceived political opponents as c***s or b****s*, defending criminals, sympathizing with heavy perpetrators, swearing, jumping upon the bandwagon to spout hatred, and certainly living up to the stereotype when it comes to celebrities with a platform. Why do people buy into this again?

  9. Do you know why I consider Dave Chappelle a personal hero of mine? A "Personal" hero. Whether he admits it or accepts it or not(and its good that he doesnt,humility goes a long way)Dave Chappelle SPEAKS and when he speaks he is so god damned Funny and so god damned REAL. More real than any of these people putting out their "Schtick"(which Dave,in my humble opinion has no schtick) Dave has a VOICE,and a good one. A great one. What he says resonates in every cell in my body and brain that I am unable to articulate,because I cant,because I am white and a Southerner FFS!(and I know that doesnt count for much these days) Dave states what I honestly feel in my bones about ALL of this. ALL OF IT! Say their names!! I do and Black Lives DO Matter!!

  10. George Floyd died because of a drug overdose, not because someone was applying minimal pressure. The problem with today』s world is that people feel inclined to speak on things before knowing all the facts.

  11. Black lives matter uses 8:46 as a protest slogan.

    The North tower of the world trade center was hit by a commercial airliner AT 8:46 AM September 11, 2001 killing thousands in one day. Coincidence? I think not!

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