1412 MACHO MAN Randy Savage DEATH網站| 誰做了他著名的戒指服裝? 邁克爾·布勞恩(11/30/20)

1412 MACHO MAN Randy Savage DEATH網站| 誰做了他著名的戒指服裝? 邁克爾·布勞恩(Michael Braun)-單擊訂閱:http://bit.ly/SubDazeWithJordanTheLion捐款:https://www.patreon.com/jordanthelion貝寶捐款:paypal.me/jordanthelion使用我的Airbnb代碼,即可獲得40美元的首次旅行費用。 我得到20美元! 這是我的邀請鏈接:https://abnb.me/e/qnGgEfAAoQ亞馬遜列錶鏈接:https://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/1EPZ5PLM8PPGZ郵件-我沒有郵政信箱或郵寄地址。 請不要將我的郵件發送到我已發送視頻的地方。 簡介動畫片,作者:Jeff Block(YouTube-Cre80s)簡介音樂,作者-84 Nash「 Sandful Of Hand」,「 Cinnamon Block」和「 Megatroid In Megacity」 www.dazewithjordanthelion.com。

  1. WOW! I wish I could hit a LOVE button. This was so interesting and fun to watch. Of course like so many others Macho Man was my all time favorite and seeing the photos of him posing with the new clothes was very cool. I work in production so when they wrestled in Minneapolis we saw all the guys walk by going out on the stage. One day Randy walked by with the huge tin look back pack of Slim Jims and a crew member yelled "Step into a Slim Jim" he looked at us and grabbed a hand full of Slim Jims and threw them at us. He yelled OH YEAH and walked through the curtain and out to the ring. Such a cool guy I will never forget.

  2. Now that was an awesome vlog. The Macho Man was a really cool wrestler I remember watching. Those were the best era's when wrestling was like that. Awesome vlog 😀

  3. Great video. WOW, right in my own backyard. I had no idea this man even existed. Hope you enjoyed yourself in Tampa. I love living in the Bay Area.

  4. I know your a big fan of WWE. I was not. But like Elvis they are intriguing so I watch you Jordan to learn about them. So tell us all that you can about these giants. Always great videos and hope you stay with us awhile here in Florida. Lots to see. Lots if history.

  5. @8:46 when u turned that camera around and i seen those classes I died laughing lol those glasses were made for this vlog! To this day when I eat a slim jim I think of macho man randy savage and those commercials he did and I literally hear him say "snap into a slim jim" everytime lol ….great video Jordan! As always !!!

  6. Ohhhh yeah!!! Thank you Jordan for this one brother!!
    Should have got with Adam the Woo on everyones trip to Florida Lol . At this point any state is better than California right now

  7. A really interesting vlog here! Great opportunity to visit with Michael. Boy, oh boy, they cant even come close to making that type of charisma happen again in the WWE! ( Every time I eat a Slim Jim, I think of Randy. Miss Slim Jim beef jerky, so good!)

  8. I'm excited for this vlog …I used to take my son to most of the Events here in Tampa …Macho Man & Ultimate Warrior were his 2 Favorite wrestlers. This man is truly talented as an artist

  9. I know nothing about wrestling, but this is a wonderful tribute to Randy Savage. Michael's stories are riveting …. I could listen to him for hours. Enjoyed Susan's story, too. Superb interview, Jordan! THANK YOU!

  10. Just awesome!! My youngest grandson loves wrestling. He has over 80 figures. I WOULD LOVE to het him a pair of glasses!! When he visits he makes sure he can watch wrestling. As he shows me figures Oh you don't know ?? Name of.. Well I remember back in the 80's some. Macho Man was a huge star in his own right. Great vlog as usual
    Does Michael or is there somewhere to buy Macho mans glasses?
    Ty Jordan

  11. I loved this Vlog ! Michael's and Susan's stories are amazing. I like how he uses real estate to express the canvas that he needs for his art. WOW that's a beautiful home so glad you showed it.

  12. My husband and I use to watch wrestling, on Monday nights, back in the mid to late 90s, we called it date night. We would both race home from work order a pizza and watch, great times! RIP Macho Man and thank you for some great date nights!

  13. Big fan of Randy Savage. Enjoyed Michael』s stories about the Macho Man. How awesome to see some of his outfits and getting to put on his glasses. Thank you for doing this vlog on Randy. God bless

  14. My brother and I were huge into wrestling in the 80s and beyond, and this Vlog has really sparked good memories. Thank you for this. This Vlog is really well done in every way

  15. Jordan, for me this is your best vlog ever. I will always have a good feeling about Randy. He grew up in Downers Grove, Illinois and went to Downers North HS. His dad Angelo was on the PE faculty staff. I went to a nearby HS and are team played against his.I played baseball with Randy Poffo in 1971. Randy was a senior. We met again at Tops Bigboy restaurant. Randy was with his family, I was with mine. A big thanks Jordan!

  16. Welcome to Florida! I hope things are going good for you there. I really liked the vlog and I learned a lot that I didn't know about the Macho Man. He is more than his public image or persona. I really felt the sadness when you came to the tree where he died and I also wanted to tell you that while you were talking to Micheal in front of the picture, I saw some glittering lights go by, like a huge whoosh or swipe. I don't know they may be car lights, but it looked weird. I wanted to hear what you thought about that.

  17. This was an awesome interview. My brother and my son both loved wrestling. I did too. We loved Macho Man and a list of others. Michal Braun rocks!

  18. Memory lane for me with my sons. Each had a favourite.
    It was a shame about, British Bulldog/ Dave Smith. One of my sons always rooting for him.
    Thank you Jordan, you made my week…
    As always ? stay safe

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