Xbox Series X評論-這是一個怪物

Series X內置於新一代Xbox中,是使生態系統更具吸引力的絕佳硬體入口。 與Xbox Game Pass搭配使用,Series X可以使遊戲變得既快又驚人,而且美觀,並且已成為目前市場上最好的Xbox主機。 它的熟悉程度令人欣慰,但其新功能和令人難以置信的強大功能使它感覺像是它第一次進入了遊戲的新時代。 它缺乏啟動時的遊戲,對於那些沒有對生態系統進行投資或不關心功能的人來說,它更難賣出。但是對於所有這樣做的人來說,這款遊戲機正是它所承諾的一切,並描繪出了一個光明的前景。遊戲的未來。 。

  1. I got to experience not being able to play any games for around an hour, just because X Box Live Core Services were down… just takes Microsoft being hacked for your console to be bricked from DRM. I've already experienced this within days of acquiring the unit, it's unbelievably stupid.

  2. I will buy it
    Its more powerful than ps5
    I dont need the exclusives of ps5 i just need a practical console that run third party games and last with me for more than 7 years that all so xbox sx is the right choice

  3. One of the biggest companies, you telling me they don't have a dedicated system design team that couldn't come up with something better than a FUCKING rectangle?!? The 360 looks better than this…the ps5 looks light years better too, ps5 design ain't perfect but it has effort written all over it unlike this garbage. Fire everybody who had anything to do with the design choice and never hire them back. Also I want them arrested.

  4. "Killer apps at launch"
    Can we please not forget the staggering number of developers Microsoft has either bought or created for this generation? It's worth noting.

  5. Both absolutely rubbish both consoles having Heating issues Freezing issues what a joke both these Companies have had years to iron out all the problems look what the consumers are left with.EB Games Miranda JB HiFi Miranda just ask them of all the calls and returns they have had and the rest of the country.Its amazing when all these experts online saying its the best they only have been testing them for a few hours most players use these consoles for long periods of time and of course they cannot stand the heat well working to the best of there ability what a joke.We the customers are paying a fortune for these items most say add the patch why should we it should be working properly from the start.

  6. its a monster that gets OUTPERFORMED by the PS5 a supposedly "weaker" console. It's not about the muscles, its about how you use it. PS5 FTW!

  7. Xbox Game Pass, Xbox 360 and the Sega Dreamcast are the top 3 greatest gaming experiences I』ve ever had in my entire life…I』m a PlayStation Fanboy and I have bought the PS5 Physical Edition with all the accessories in Day 1 launch and the system with all of the accessories ARE STILL IN THE BOX!!! I』ve filled up 50% of my internal Hard Drive in my Series X since I』ve picked it up brought it home and set it up…I play on my Series X everyday ??? I love it ❤️???

  8. If you're booting up a large game twice a day for example from scratch, then you're saving 2m 33s x 2 a day.
    If you game everyday just as an example you're saving almost 14 hours of your life a year playing Series X over One X.

    Being more realistic then at minimum, you should be adding 7 hours to your life in 2021 where you're not looking at loading screens.

    Given that time is our only true currency I would argue that's a pretty decent savings.

  9. Thank Baby Gzuss ? I Snagged an Xbox Series X ???? Paired up with my new 65 inch 2020 LG OLED it's providing me with the Best Gaming Experiences I Have Ever Witnessed!! Seriously better than my Pimped Out 3950X PC and my Asus ROG Zephyrus G14 laptop with silicon lottery winning chips! That's Freaking CRAZY ? I Love It ?

  10. Am looking forward to the Series X. But don't feel in hurry to get it. Am holding out for a Halo Infinite Edition.
    The ONE game I'm really feverly looking forward to is Dying Light 2.

  11. I'm loving my Series X so far. As someone that stayed away from Microsoft consoles last year I'm happy to experience what i missed and to be able to play those titles at their best. Either way you can't go wrong with either system. Screw being biased and enjoy being a gamer. FYI the Switch is still bae ?

  12. The most amazing thing would be if it wasn't so hard to buy one not even the S is available to buy or the ps5, oh man I starting to believe 2020 is the year cursed by the covid19 and people will remember it for a long time after a cure is found

  13. WARNING play and charge batteries from xbox one dont work with new s or x controllers cos the charging wires dont fit in controller and the back panel dont fit on controller, how bloody convenient, now i gotta buy a whole new set. microsoft suck

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