親愛的Linus …您對Apple M1的認識是錯誤的

萊納斯(Linus),我愛你,但…你為蘋果的新型M1硅晶元和新型MacBook Air,MacBook Pro和Mac mini所吸引。 讓我解釋。 從Anandtech真棒閱讀/分解M1:https://www.anandtech.com/show/16226/apple-silicon-m1-a14-deep-dive Linus對M1的熱議:https://youtu.be / ljApzn9YWmk,我們從MagSafe聲音中演唱了一首歌:o https://youtu.be/mugdii5TJpI在iPhone 12 Pro上拍攝-HDR杜比視覺素材+頻道! https://youtu.be/zAS8AOoiWug 2台酷炫的顯示器與M1 Mac mini配對! https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1559353-REG/benq_pd2705q_27_designer_monitor_with.html https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1495110-REG/lg_24md4klb_b_24_tbolt3_ultrafine_ips.html。

  1. Apple…reliable and ease of use. What lies…forget service. They like total control like dictator. They unethical they steal tech.
    M1 silicon…remember there's no more separate gpu integrated chip to choose from….arm has drawbacks vs x86 architecture. Google pros and cons of each.
    I'm no hater I'm multiplatform user…you still choose a platform either or have no choice. Have not used macs since college and back in beginning in jr high it came out. I use apple last resort forced to or have nothing. Other than that I have or use windows and android/google tech sometimes linux…no apple product.

  2. What are you talking about?
    Linus reviews are backhanded criticisms.
    He is actually praising the products. Just pretending to be critical for credibility.
    The guy makes a living from backroom deals.

  3. I mean fair enough Apple did good but it has a specific design to allow that… iPhones and m1 so this is still an unfair test. X86 is still much better.
    Although the intel "emulation" is fucking amazing
    Knowing Apple though this is all to lockdown the ecosystem…

  4. Clickbait title, unfounded accusation. I watched the LTT video for the first time after this. He has made no claims. All he did was to just cast doubt on the vague numbers Apple has provided. There is nothing to be wrong about because he made no claims. How about less fanboyism on your part and more facts and hard numbers? We all want Apple to push the industry forward and be disruptive but people like you give them less incentive to do so because you drool over anything and everything they release, no matter how crap or good it is.

  5. I think that linus wasn't clear enough in it's shortcircuit video.
    He knows that the iphone is powerful and accelerated, and it wasn't a complaint but a (simplified) fact that "you can spend real money to get a glorified iphone chip in a mac"
    and that's the point of those new macs, that's what's make them awesome, and that's what makes me want to buy next year Apple silicon macbook.
    and it's complaint were founded and what's missing on this year model are the reasons why i didn't buy it this year

  6. I love all the Linus ass eating haters in the comments, the M1 is officially out and the M1 is really f*cking good. You can hate the fact that Apple charge too much for upgrades and their design philosophy is repetetive and can be annoying, but Linus was also disputing the fact that the M1 was gonna be groundbreaking, which it is.

  7. Are we even surprised by Linus』 clickbaity half assed videos where he runs his mouth before even using these machines properly? Like what will it these idiots to realize that is beyond me. I unsubbed to him since he went full hate bonkers on Apple. Same reason why I unsubbed from Tailosive for being too hard on other systems that arent apple. Legit no beneficial content from creators that make a status from hating on systems.

  8. Linus is right what's wrong with the ipad..if apple could get that level of performance in an macbook air then why not put a Macos on ipad and it's the next computer for everyone….

  9. The performance-per-watt, low-heat characteristics likely means all laptops will be built with a fully integrated SOC in a couple years, with desktops and even datacenters following shortly thereafter.

  10. Isn't this the difference between hardware accelerated encoding and software encoding? I doubt this kind of performance comparison expands to other workloads.

    That said, the new chip is certainly impressive, and if this is the workload you're using your computer for, that's all that matters.

  11. I don't agree that Linus jumped the gun; simply because Apple is notorious for putting low spec and/or aged hardware in its computers; yet, they still charges an astronomical amount for "ok" performance. Nevertheless, the M1 is incredibly surprising and I'm already in the process of selling my backup gaming PC and my MacBook Pro to get a base M1 Mac Mini.

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