您是否應該升級到蘋果的M1晶元MacBook Air / Pro?

蘋果的新款Apple Silicon MacBook終於來了! 在此視頻中,我介紹了從基於Intel的MacBook升級到M1晶元MacBook Air / Pro的利弊! 這款Apple Silicon Mac是最佳選擇(Amazon)➡https://geni.us/BR90iA在年底前幫助我們達到50萬訂戶! 亞馬遜M1 Macs的最佳優惠⬇️M1 MacBook Air 2020➡https://geni.us/tnoeMOc M1 MacBook Pro 2020➡https://geni.us/pWUBPum M1 Mac Mini 2020➡https://geni.us/bBD2 2TB Sabrent XTRM-Q Thunderbolt 3 SSD(亞馬遜)➡https://geni.us/BbzJ喜歡我的拉鏈帽衫嗎? 在此處查找➡https://teespring.com/stores/max-tech-store Max科技壁紙➡https://bit.ly/2WNc6Qw現在可以訂購Apple的新款Apple Silicon MacBook,因此在此視頻中,我展示了你們將了解Intel MacBook和M1晶元MacBook之間的所有差異,以幫助您確定是否值得升級。 我經歷了諸如MacBook Air的無風扇設計,與Intel機型相比的新功能和規格之類的事情,經歷了第三方應用程序支持和Rosetta 2模擬等等! 如果您喜歡此視頻,請訂閱M1 Chip Explained視頻,該視頻將於明天發布! #subscribeformoreapplesiliconmacvideos時間戳New️新的Apple矽統Macs-00:00當前Intel MacBook Air的問題-0:50 M1 MacBook Air如何解決這些問題-1:20誰應該升級到M1 MacBook Air? -2:18 MacBook Pro的優勢-4:20 MacBook Pro的M1晶元的缺點-5:21遊戲如何在M1 Macbook Pro上運作? -6:42誰應該升級到M1 MacBook Pro? -8:20升級到Apple Silicon的最終答案-9:51 Max Tech壁紙➡https://bit.ly/2WNc6Qw購買我們的新款T恤之一,以幫助我們! ➡https://teespring.com/stores/max-tech-store ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 〜在Amazon上購物➡https://geni.us/wB2mWqd在B&H上購物➡https://bhpho.to/2kfoI34在Adorama上購物➡https://bit.ly/2R7qezq Soundstripe上的無限制年度音樂許可可享受10%的折扣(我用於我所有視頻的內容)在這裡使用優惠券代碼「 Max」:http://soundstripe.grsm.io/e/6lv用(Amazon)拍攝https://geni.us/XE0r鏡頭(B&H)➡https ://bhpho.to/2DZerxL Mic(Amazon)➡https://geni.us/83CN3V5如果您喜歡我們的內容,請考慮在Patreon上支持我們。 甚至每月2美元也可以幫助我們為您製作更多更好的內容! https://www.patreon.com/MaxYuryev-〜-~~-~~~~~~-〜-隱私權政策和完整披露:°Max Tech是Amazon Services LLC員工計劃的會員,該計劃是會員廣告計劃旨在通過廣告和鏈接到amazon.com為網站提供一種賺取廣告費的方法。°Max Tech是B&H Photo Video會員計劃的參與者,如果您通過我們的鏈接購買,該計劃將提供廣告傭金。 °如果您從我們的會員鏈接購買商品,將獲得少量傭金,而無需您支付額外費用。 這使我們可以製作更多視頻。 謝謝! °我們不會收集,存儲,使用或共享有關您的任何數據。 -〜-~~-~~~~~~-〜-

  1. Okay so, I have MacBook Pro 2020 i5, I am thinking of selling it and buying the m1 gen mbp, with extra 100-200€
    But imw I don't want to, I just bought it and idk..
    But in i5 gen mbp I am getting more than 100+% CPU on Xcode, unzipping etcetc.

  2. As a university student I use Microsoft ( word/PowerPoint/excel/outlook..) and I』ve been saving for a long time to get a MacBook Pro, should I get the one with M1 or just stick to Intel? What is the better option for me?

  3. I just got a 2020 Macbook pro 13" 2.0GHz intel core i5 Quad Core Processor with intel Iris Plus Graphics 512 GB…. is it worth upgrading to the M1???

  4. so I'm coming from the 2015 MacBook Pro with maxed out specs… I'll be honest, I'm not expecting many differences but I'm excited for the new experience:)

  5. Shortly, You absolutely should upgrade, unless:
    – You need external monitors
    – You need ports
    – You need RAM
    – You need any kind of virtualization (Docker, VMware, Virtualbox)
    – You need Windows
    – You need some obscure utilities like cgroups 2
    – You need eGPU

  6. Hey I really enjoyed watching your vid !
    I』m purchasing a MacBook for the first time and I have already ordered the baseline Pro (mainly for the TouchBar, seems fancy to me) but Air & Pro seems similar performance wise.
    Am confused . Please suggest what should I get ? Should I go for Air w/16ram or Pro baseline, I mainly would be using Logic Pro X.

  7. I'm predicting the MB 16in will come with a 16 core chip with a 16 core gpu and a maximum of 32gb of ram and a base of 16gb with battery life equal to or greater than the current M1 released mac's

  8. At geekbench the results has been listed M1 chip is top performing in single score. And surpass Macbook Pro 16 inch in multi score performance. And pass 21000 score in graphic

  9. Fight me or hate me but those who complain how slow a Macbook Air or entry level Macbook Pro has no idea what a slow computer is. When I started college I have my dad bough me an Acer Aspire One netbook for an introductory programming class. At that time my dad and I had no idea how demanding the tasks will be for my new computer to handle. I entered a class and most of my classmate were using Macbooks. I soon dropped out of the program (not because of my computer for sure) and most of my classes were humanity classes so I used my computer mostly for essays and power point presentation. Still it has trouble keeping it up. It was running Windows 7 (not the starter version, full Windows 7) and the OS was obviously not made for that kind of hardware (AMD HD graphics, 4 GB of RAM). When I started unisity I still have that computer but I install Ubuntu on it and get like six hours of battery life as oppose to five hours. Perforamce wise it was usable but still very slow even when browsing a long PDF article for an art history class or using Adobe Digital Edition. I finally got a Chromebook for my second semester. The speed was okay and I got 8 hours of battery. But the build quality was not adequate with all the plastic. The summer that follow I got a summer job so I ended up upgrading to a Chromebook Pixel. Worst decision ever made I could have gotten a Macbook but since all my classmates have Macbook I want to have something a little different. But I was clearly stupid. I have it for like two years til it broke and Google never offered the level of support Apple does so it was doomed. Perforamce wise it wasn't even great since the SSD was made for smartphone and was very slow and the heatsink doesn't do a good job when dealing with heavy task. I got my Macbook Air late last year and I could not be much happier. Yes the fan is on when browsing a big webpage or doing encoding but I haven't seen any slowdown and I think the cooling system is doing its work. And I believe that an Apple Silicon will definitively solve the problem.

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