
新英格蘭傳播學院的短片《三兄弟的故事》的官方預告片。 這部電影經華納兄弟公司(Warner Bros)許可製作,改編自JK羅琳(JK Rowling)的短篇小說,該小說是《吟遊詩人比德爾》(Tales of Beedle the Bard)的一部分。 更新:該電影現已完成,將在2014年夏季/秋季進入電影節。在電影節之後,該電影將全部在線發布。 有關電影的更多信息(包括幕後花絮),請訪問http://nescom.husson.edu/threebrothers。

  1. How about you all STOP ASKING?! They still need to get permission from the copyright holders, Warner Bros. to post it ONLINE! They originally only got permission for film festivals, now they need to get permission for online distribution which could take YEARS!

  2. From what I understand, Death is a young girl in this movie, right?
    Well, I must applaud you for that choice. Death taking the form of a young, "innocent" girl is a nice approach – Showing that death isn't the "Bad guy" – It's just there, a fact of life.

  3. It took the school three years to receive rights to even make the film. There's a process behind it and they're not even fully in control of when that process is completed.

  4. You've handled the release of this film quite badly in my opinion. You haven't kept your international fans updated for one bit. I'm eager to see this movie, but you're only saying "it will be released soon" and then months passes without anything happening. Additionally, your website or Facebook contains zero info also.

  5. I go to NESCom and I'm currently covering the new film their doing for my News Reporting class. It looks like it will be just as successful as this one was. 🙂

  6. Interesting. Can't wait to see it! I can only imagine had J.K. Rowling extended this short story to a novel or individual film…there is certainly the potential to do so. I wonder if she's given it though or if Warner Bros. has considered it?

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