摘錄:Official Trailer(2014)漫畫紀錄片

[ http://www.strippedfilm.com ] STRIPPED是一部有關世界上最佳漫畫家的專題紀錄片。 這部電影是喜劇片的情書,彙集了比爾·沃特森(Calvin&Hobbes),吉姆·戴維斯(Jim Davis)(加菲爾德),凱西·吉塞維特(Cathy Guisewite)(凱西)和其他70位藝術家:談論他們喜歡的藝術形式……以及它的去向報紙死了。 。

  1. Looks like a very worthwhile documentary. Like most people, I'm a huge fan of Watterson. But it saddens me that, except for a few women, there is zero diversity in the artists. 

  2. I tried to break into the comic strip industry, but the newspapers have ruined it, by keeping old strips that have been handed down…those artists should have to earn a place like the rest of us…they shouldn't be allowed to ride the coat tails of their fathers. Good riddance to the syndicates and newspapers.

  3. Dude.  I'm a 1955 Boomer.  Newspaper comic strips were my life's blood as a kid.  They were a stepping stone to learning about things in the world, to appreciating newsprint and, later, an affinity for comic books and graphic novels.  The probability of the classic comic going the way of the Siberian Tiger and Great Explorers of the World is so sad….Don't disappear, C & H…

  4. Does anyone know if Aaron McGruder will be in this? I'd really like to hear him speak about The Boondocks and the unique art style he brought to U.S. newspapers.

  5. I don't particularly care for the Penny Arcade guys, but I will be keeping an eye on this for all the potential Wattterson goodness.

  6. Of course it is digital comics and news from now on. You meant that they can`t think of doing that? why not anyway? they can reach a larger audience by doing that anyway.

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