《殺手3》-《殺手3》遊戲預告片簡介| PS5,PS4,PS VR

暗殺世界正處於瀕臨滅絕的世界…準備用HITMAN 3中的新遊戲功能和物品來掌握暗殺的藝術。 ,強烈的暴力行為,粗俗的語言,遊戲內購買。

  1. Hopefully we can carry over our progress and gear to hitman 3, getting tired of doing the same missions just to get back the same rewards a third time, I did those elusive targets twice, just let me keep the gear I worked hard for

  2. Лысый из Brazzers опять в деле – это будет лучшая стелс игра в техническом плане за всю историю видеоигр. The bald man from Brazzers is back in action – it will be the best stealth game in technical terms in the history of video games.

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