
加快您的表現:停止給予您的特定人自由的意志! 這是最快的方式來加快您的表現並查看結果! #清單#lawofattraction#特定人#nevillegoddard#表現形式#lawofassumption#表現形式#靈性#可視化您的特定人就是您被推開了,就像現實中的其他一切一樣,都符合您的想法和信念。 在您的現實中,您是唯一擁有自由意志的人。 他們無法抗拒您的表現,除非您決定相信它們可以。 video本視頻中提到的自由意志和平行現實視頻:https://youtu.be/eyqUhi0ovQ4?訂閱更多類似的技術:https://www.youtube.com/c/unseenseraph?sub_confirmation=1?演示您的特定人員課程:http://bit.ly/2RxNWbU?預訂培訓課程:https://unseenseraph.com/work-with-me/?成為腳本超級課程:http://bit.ly/38mZDa5?吸引力與舉證法則課程:https://unseenseraph.teachable.com/❗加入我的臉書社區:https://www.facebook.com/groups/superherotrainingcamp/?圖書推薦及更多內容:https://www.amazon .com / shop / unseenseraph_?官方看不見的Seraph MERCH !!! https://teespring.com/stores/unseen-seraph-2?想進一步了解我嗎? 查看我對Brian Scott的採訪:https://youtu.be/pydahNSasjY ____________?觀看我的最愛播放列表:1️⃣快速顯示特定人物! https://www.youtube.com/zh-cn/playlist?list=PLqC7d252xA0uO7txxl2D1URV3165RaO1M2️⃣展示技巧:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqC7d252xA0sd3j3JJ4MGX1DRjybKCasj3️⃣釋放阻滯和阻力的方法。 youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqC7d252xA0sjgca4lujGvYs-leA680Hh4️⃣如何從頭到尾彰顯自己的願望https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqC7d252xA0uJ-VSdVwxy_1RtRpzMT2Cu的物理法則改變5️⃣ ://www.youtube.com/playlist?list = PLqC7d252xA0ud6x0up_KacQSrdxC1Srp4 __________免費包裝以提高您的結果:✅突破成功的障礙,並通過我的5天免費挑戰開始表達您的願望:http://bit.ly/2EfR7NK ✅可以訪問我的專有資源庫:http://bit.ly/2mDINC2 __________✅查閱我的博客以獲取有關表情和魔法的帖子:https://unseenseraph.com/blog我的網站:https://unseenseraph.com課程:https://unseenseraph.teachable.com/ __________說h 我在社交網站上:FACEBOOK:https://www.facebook.com/unseenseraph/ INSTAGRAM:@unseen_seraph Andrey Zvyagintsev在unsplash.com上拍攝的縮略圖注意:此說明包含會員鏈接,可讓您查找視頻中提到的項目和免費支持此頻道。 當觀看者使用這些鏈接進行購買時,雖然該頻道可能會獲得最少的收入,但觀看者絕沒有義務使用這些鏈接! 謝謝您的支持! 。

  1. In your video you said that you change realities without knowing it. One time, I was in the supermarket with my wife. Suddenly it seemed time stood still, everything looked wavy ( like fumes), couldn't hear any sounds and everything had a purplehaze to it. It only lasted about about 15 seconds and then everything snapped back into reality. I know it wasn't just me, my wife experienced the same exact things. Immediately after that event ended a thought enter my mind very strongly saying that a time flux just happened. I had no clue what a time flux was. Have you ever heard of such an event?

  2. I need help with this question, Is it okay to put a specific time date on a manifestation that i really need before that date? like can it still happen because the date is approaching real soon 🙁

  3. I think it's messed up how you keep going on about how people should manifest there X back! there an X for a reason! you are opening old words that should be buried and help people move on,Never run back to what broke YOU! all you're doing is giving people false hope! and ya putting that in there subconscious minds opening old wounds and prolonging the suffering!

  4. I'm not even a violent person but I be ready to drag all the "free will" warriors by their hair down the sidewalk. Matter of fact I am manifesting their asses out of my reality and that's that! ✌

  5. Something that would help is to think from that person's point of view. Imagine you are that specific perform. Will you like it if someone stalks you or tries to impress you or they are needy of you. Everything is a no no. They like you the moment you stop thinking about them. That trait just makes you very attractive.
    Just to make it easier always imagine having multiple options under your belt. Imagine you are dating 5 boys/girls and your sp is just one of the many choices you have and now see how you behave with them. You by default have fun without being needy and they can feel that vibe in you.

  6. What if someone is manifesting a celebrity.. I'm trying to manifest a celeb crush butt he is so famous and also many peoole are also manifesting him .. (Like he is one and manifesting peoples are like millions kshkdhshshskk).. so how we can get rid of 3d party?.. When we know that other are also manifesting him then who will get it?..
    Another question is that can we manifest celeb crush considering him/her as SP.. we didnt met in real life but still consider him/her SP??

  7. What if someone is manifesting a celebrity.. I'm trying to manifest a celeb crush butt he is so famous and also many peoole are also manifesting him .. (Like he is one and manifesting peoples are like millions kshkdhshshskk).. so how we can get rid of 3d party?.. When we know that other are also manifesting him then who will get it?..
    Another question is that can we manifest celeb crush considering him/her as SP.. we didnt met in real life but still consider him/her SP??

  8. Im used watching your videos with English subtitles. Although you are speaking English as well sometimes I couldn't catch up your voice bcs it fast and I got used there is subtitles.

  9. I guess everyone has a SP.. but me. I have no clue who I want to date or marry. However I do know.. I surely would NOT date or marry anyone currently in my life! ??‍♀️?

  10. I'm using this as an affirmation
    My sp can't live without me
    Will this still work even if it's a negative
    Please reply thankyou

  11. "I am the only person in my reality that has free will."

    Another useful affirmation to add in to my self-concept affirmations. It's a good reminder. Thank you so much. ?

  12. I manifested my ex back as she blocked me and everything else but now she unblocked me just I am manifesting her to meet me because she is very resistant, she is telling me always I』m bringing in back story to get back together,loved your videos, I』ll keep in mind she don』t have free will, it』s my choice not hers, what we do for love

  13. I think the craziest thing is that when you start to shift your reality, it's not always obvious because this is how the world works. It seems "natural". So I can really recommend everyone to stop and look around you. What has already changed? Appreciate that! There's ALWAYS movement!!! xoxoxo

  14. Dear Grace, I have a genuine question… Why in your opinion Neville has found new wife if he could simply change in his mind's eye his first wife? Second question: what is your opinion about changing someone's appereance in our imagination? Thank you. I love your videos by the way, you explain things very clearly. My favorite manifastation channel?

  15. You are wonderful explaining in detail how to manifest. I thank you with all my heart for deeply moving me when you teach excellent manifestation. ¡¡Thank you again beautiful and unique Unseen¡ Seraphine¡¡

  16. I love both the "free will" plus the "everyone is you pushed out"teachings, they are both so empowering….please can you do another on eoiypo too xx

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