
權力遊戲RPG-官方預告片(2012年)權力的高清遊戲:角色扮演遊戲使玩家可以控制兩個原始角色,莫斯·韋斯特fold和阿勒斯特·薩維克。 它們並未出現在小說中,儘管GRRM已向製片廠表示,他可能會選擇在以後的小說中提及它們,他們的家庭或遊戲故事中的細節。 該遊戲現在確實具有開放世界,例如Skyrim或舊的Baldur’s Gate遊戲。 取而代之的是,故事被分為基於視角的「章節」,每章結尾處都有懸崖和曲折,就像小說中一樣,從一個角色的角度講一個章節,然後是一個完全不同的角色的章節。 他們兩個都有特殊能力和三種戰鬥模式。 莫爾斯(Mors)是皮膚改變者,可以滑入狗中尋找秘密路徑或傾聽對話,甚至可以通過氣味跟隨角色的蹤跡。 阿爾斯特(Alester)是一位紅色牧師,可以使用野火在劍上縱火,他可以深入火焰中尋找秘密,在更高級別上可以使用某些基於火的魔法。 角色在背景和外觀方面是固定的,但是您可以根據其功能極大地自定義它們。 首先,您可以選擇不同的戰鬥方式。 可以將Mors設置為「 Ragnar」(允許雙重揮舞)​​,Hedge Knight(一種雙手武器)或Landed Knight(一種手中的武器,另一種上的盾牌)。 另一方面,Alester可以設置為水舞者(輕巧而敏捷,有細長的劍刃),賣劍(匕首和毒藥)或遊俠(弓箭)。 一首冰與火的歌,冬天來了。 。

  1. So sad to read the comments here… I really loved this game, even with the graphics I think they did a great job on balancing story, battles and emersion just perfectly. Don't make graphics the priority on games cause they aren't. Games are stories that we play and discover through graphic help, not the other way around.

    I've seen gorgeous games but with soo damn shitty stories that I just want to puke and pulls me off from the experience. I can't emerse myself in them cause they are so bland and with poorly made characters :/ they don't feel real, just plastic. Games are experiences, life and adventure, you can't have that with only pretty next gen graphics.

  2. Does anyone else think this trailer is rather bland? GoT is very much about the characters and their development, so why is no one talking? Why is this trailer just shot after shot after shot of people running and stuff? That seems more appropriate for games where more attention has been paid to graphics rather than plot.

    I'm going to have to get a proper impression of this game elsewhere, it seems.

  3. Looks more old gen than new gen ?. Such a shame thrones deserves better graphics, I only hope the story can make up for the poor visuals.

  4. I would pay no more than one English pound for this pile of horseshit. Don't understand why game creators rush in to make a game as fast as possible just to make profit!! Take your time, work in the graphics and then sell a game. Even my 90 year old grandad would say the graphics are shit, and he didn't know what a tv was for half his life!

  5. This game probably sucks, looks like every other RPG just with less magic, worse graphics (not that they matter though) and it will only be played by GOT worshipers.

  6. looks like a game of 2008 …… even star wars knights of the old republic from 2004 had better graphics. and the way the char walks.. uhg. i am really disappointed as a super duper multi rainbow extreme fan of Game of Thrones books and the series.

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