如何通過Themefusion優化Avada-如何加快Avada WordPress主題-僅限免費插件

Avada的演示很漂亮,說實話我確實很喜歡這個主題。 話雖這麼說,但它在開發方式上存在固有的性能問題,因為它需要大量的CSS和JS載入,因此需要更好的資產管理。 確保使用CDN(Cloudflare)和本視頻中的建議壓縮圖像,以獲得更好的性能。 如果您想支持該頻道,請考慮使用下面的一些鏈接! 鏈接到使用的插件Autoptimize:https://wordpress.org/plugins/autoptimize/緩存啟用器:https://wordpress.org/plugins/cache-enabler/延遲載入優化圖像:https://wordpress.org/plugins / rocket-lazy-load /在Facebook上像我們一樣https://www.facebook.com/SERTMedia/加入我們的WordPress社區和支持小組https://www.facebook.com/groups/sertmedia在Twitter上關注SERT媒體https: //twitter.com/sert_media在Twitter上關注Scott,請訪問我們的網站https://twitter.com/scottthartley/查看我們的網站以獲取更多WordPress教程https://www.sertmedia.com-推薦的共享主機平台(已使用Siteground進行了3年,這真是太好了!)SiteGround:https://www.siteground.com/go/sertmedia推薦的VPS託管平台(Cloudways快速,廉價且提供強大的支持!)CloudWays:https://www.cloudways.com/ cn /?id = 347522為我們的Amazon.com鏈接添加書籤以支持我們! Amazon.com:https://amzn.to/2ScDeGl我們的一些二手相機正在使用:https://amzn.to/2vM5bNI。

  1. The theme in its current state needs a lot of work on the developer's side. They need to do better when it comes to dynamic CSS generation it generates CSS for plugins you might not even have (such as the events calendar) and it loads too many JS files even when the related fusion builder elements are disabled. This video shows you how to increase your performance but sadly a lot of it is on the theme developers' side of things.

    Make sure to use a good host such as Cloudways, and use a CDN such as CloudFlare (also, please make sure to resize your images, and compress them using ewww image optimizer).

  2. Thanks mate. This really helped me improving performance. Now my (still incomplete) homepage is down from 169 requests to 28 and load time is down to a third (3.8s vs. 11.6s!!!) While I am already very happy with the results (A on Pagespeed and C on YSlow) there are three points I have not been able to solve so far which I fear will reduce pageload when I will entere more content on the site:
    1.) Leverage browser caching: All images I uploaded + the Woff files are not caching. Probably because I have not entered anything in Cache Server IP as I do not know if my Provider supports that. Need to speed to my provider.
    2.) Add expires headers: noticeable improvement. Score improved from 0 to 45, but still an F. All my uploaded images are in there + jquery.js + one css. Not sure how to address that.
    3.) Make fewer HTTP requests: Improvement from 0 to 36 but still an F. There are 18 autooptimize css files remaining and I am getting flagged for them.
    Any ideas?
    Thanks for your great videos!

  3. When I got to enabling Cache Enabler, it gives me this error and literally can't do anything now on my website. I don't know what to do. "The file /home4/wahrt40aewfi/public_html/wp-content/advanced-cache.php already exists. Please manually delete it before using this plugin. If you continue to see this message after deleting it please contact your hosting support." I don't know how to find or manually delete it, or undo the plugin.

  4. before going through the changes you suggest do all the changes you suggest get over written or undone using WP Rocket ? eg is it best to start with Rocket ??

  5. Hey! I made these changes to my webpage but didnt seem to help alot. i do use the fusion slider, but dont see much of a difference when deactivating it… All my plugins are up to date and I do not understand why its preforming so badly when i test it.

  6. How does the new theme builder effect it. Assuming adding more JS and CSS with the option to have customisable page layouts for various sections of website is a great feature but assuming it slowing down as well?

  7. Hello Scott, I the video was really insightful. Could you please make a video using premium plugins? So that we could know how much difference does it actually make.

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