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她會讓你安全。 於2019年6月7日在Netflix上觀看《我是母親》。科幻驚悚片講述了一位少女(克拉拉·魯加德),這是由母親(羅斯·伯恩)撫養的新一代人類中的第一人,這是一款旨在重新組裝的機器人人類滅絕後的地球。 但是,當一個受傷的陌生人(希拉里·斯旺克)到來時,這對夫婦的獨特關係受到威脅,這一消息使人們對女兒被告知有關外界及其母親的意圖的一切都產生了疑問。 在Netflix上觀看「我是母親」:https://www.netflix.com/title/80227090訂閱:http://bit.ly/29qBUt7關於Netflix:Netflix是全球領先的互聯網娛樂服務,在190個國家/地區擁有1.3億會員欣賞各種類型和語言的電視連續劇,紀錄片和故事片。 會員可以在任何連接互聯網的屏幕上隨時隨地觀看所需的內容。 成員可以播放,暫停和繼續觀看,而無需廣告或承諾。 與Netflix在線聯繫:訪問Netflix網站:http://nflx.it/29BcWb5像FACEBOOK上的Netflix Kids:http://bit.ly/NetflixFamily像FACEBOOK上的Netflix:http://bit.ly/29kkAtN跟隨Netflix推特:http://bit.ly/29gswqd在INSTAGRAM上關注Netflix:http://bit.ly/29oO4UP在TUMBLR上關注Netflix:http://bit.ly/29kkem 官方預告片| Netflix http://youtube.com/netflix。

  1. I was just done watching these currently 1:51 am at Dec. 13,2020 but I still don't know the name of the girl.And it gives me goosebumps about the "Mother" killed all old humankind to give birth to a new humankind where the girl(teenager) was the only who was given a chance to live.

  2. 7:02 PM 11/11/2020 I wasnt for sure if you guys did this one to me or not. I watched it. Yeah I can relate to it (not MK ULTRA). SPOILERS but who is APX02? Is the injurjed woman APX01? If you put me in the plot in a movie like this it would probably be good. MOTHER in the movie is the Govt. (I wont say who its a female). I was raised by robots and I never knew. When I got older they separated me from society living in seclusion.

  3. If I were Daughter I would have been more concerned about those people from the mines than the frozen embryos. Would've fled with the little brother and saved those people. I'm definitely not a fan of the movie's ethical premise about which life is more important

  4. Spoiler ALERT

    the little girl at the beginning was not the same girl as the grown up kid cuz the 'mother' killed that young girl since the kid wasnt smart enough

  5. This movie is about the most ungrateful child in the history of children. The Mother did nothing but protected and cared for her. She taught to place life above all else. Mother didn't start raising the other embryos cause she wanted the perfect human to do that job. That's why she only brought them out one at a time. And Daughter was the perfect one. Mother wasn't even looking to colonize humans but to raise the right kind of human who will takeover the job of restarting civilization.
    How did Daughter reward her? By treating her like some even creature.

  6. Watched the movie … not as bad as people make it sound! I was slightly confused to the story (lies) that the women told to the daughter eg. how she (the woman) was raised as an orphan by two elderly people … who were the other people she had drawn in her book? Were they all born artificially by the machine (the mother) ? And if so, guess they all escaped the place and died ? Ons thing is clear that the women was born in the same place but either she escaped or .. whatever … loosing the plot now ?

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