
觀看預告片,以了解12月《動物穿越:新視野》更新對您的期望,包括通過「玩具日」慶祝季節等。 《動物穿越:新視野》現已在Nintendo Switch上發售。 #ign#遊戲#動物穿越。

  1. I've read that your island is supposed to be covered in snow as of tomorrow (11th of December) until February 24th; I honestly can't wait 😀 And I just love that you can DIY your own Christmas trees!! That's so cute <3

  2. Can we get the Pocket Camp team to work on this game? I watch my wife play Pocket Camp and they are better at events and constant updates and better content overall with much better items and incentives to log in. Bit of a disappointing year – I had high expectations for this game compared to previous iterations but it can't touch new leaf.

  3. After you've bought everything (Materials, DIY, Items, etc) on EBay, this game gets boring.

    Lol, I'm joking. I played the game fully. I just time traveled, though.

  4. So there's still, quite literally, nothing new to this game that hasn』t been in past ACs… In fact, there's less! This game got delayed to end up like this…? So much wasted potential…

  5. I like how everyone at one point in time was playing this game than people were like "wait why are doing chores in videogame?". Than people went back to there normal games.

  6. Lmfao this is all content that last for one day. We wait all month the content worth one days wirth. I sort of dropped it already since it gets super repetivtive once youve got everything and decked out your island.

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