Mandalorian Ahsoka塔諾·阿納金·天行者故障-星球大戰Ahsoka拖車復活節彩蛋

Mandalorian Ahsoka Tano和Anakin Skywalker。 星球大戰Ahsoka預告片2022年,電影復活節彩蛋,Obi Wan Kenobi預告片和Mandalorian大結局► The Mandalorian Season 2 Episode 7► PLOIeYdZ3QczzsN78nOjS-ABHwKaB7KONW&t = 0s星球大戰Obi Wan Kenobi Trailer 2022► / watch?v = FeOfhzu7ZdY&list = PLOIeYdZ3QczxQXxyV_2D8kuEs_QsuQIyJ&index = 7&t = 0s Mandalorian第2季第1集 .com / watch?v = qTmz6ogGBBs&list = PLOIeYdZ3QczzsN78nOjS-ABHwKaB7KONW&t = 0s Mandalorian第2季第3集 / HwKaB7KONW&t = 0s Mandalorian第2季第5集 Mandalorv第2季第6集 5eNJs-H0BjY&list = PLOIeYdZ3QczzsN78nOjS-ABHwKaB7KONW&t = 0s涵蓋2022年新的《星球大戰》艾哈索卡預告片。《曼達洛派》衍生產品系列故事細目。 Obi Wan Kenobi拖車,2022年。Hayden Christensen Darth Vader返回細分,《星球大戰》電影復活節彩蛋。 西斯時間軸的復仇,新希望,曼達洛人第2季和曼達洛人第3季。 電影《 Rogue Squadron》,《雷神4:雷神》中的Taika Waiti。 在未來幾年內將有10個新的《星球大戰》系列。 曼達洛人第3季情節,歐比·旺·克諾比(Obi Wan Kenobi),星球大戰Ahsoka Tano 2022,高共和國曼達洛人衍生品的流浪者,流氓一個前傳系列,稱為安道爾(Castor)安道爾。 關於《暗面力量》使用者和《西斯》的《星球大戰Acoylte高共和國》系列。 而《不良批次克隆人戰爭》第7季衍生產品系列則是在西斯復仇之後就開始了。 還有更多,當它們全部發行時,我將為所有內容製作插曲視頻! 我在Mandalorian第2季第8集大結局中的視頻將像往常一樣發布星期五。 另外,本周和下周我還將製作更多Mandalorian Season 3視頻。 包括Marvel Trailer視頻在內的更多內容。 復仇者聯盟如果是預告片,新的神奇四預告片。 還有新的蜘蛛俠3電影視頻,《毒液2》預告片,《莫比烏斯》預告片和《雷神4:愛與雷霆》。 《巫師第二季》預告片Netflix和《男孩們》第三季預告片。 通過的藝術通過 Twitch頻道 Twitter的曼達洛主題音樂:// Facebook Instagram Tumblr https://robotchallenger.com我的網站 ::視頻播放列表放映::新的緊急特效視頻►星球大戰曼達洛和嬰兒尤達插曲►權力劇集►復仇者聯盟殘局漫威電影►。 Rick and Morty Season 4劇集► Avatar The Last Airbender Episodes► // The Boys Season 2 Episodes►龍珠超級劇集。 / playlist?list = PLOIeYdZ3QczxuG-z7rdrBN9tmo7Yka5GI蜘蛛俠3和毒液►死侍視頻► 2021年及DC電影►正義聯盟史奈德剪輯視頻►星球大戰天行者崛起► v-MhUEJ權力遊戲《龍之府前傳》情節►感謝觀看!! 。

  1. I don't want any more backstreet boys in my star wars movies, its to bad they are going back to creating the same mistakes they made and didn't learn from them.

  2. Every cell in my body is bursting to be ecstatic about all the upcoming Mandalorian SW spin-offs but I'm also petrified that Disney is going to squeeze all of the goodness out of the SW lore and kill it (not in a good way).

  3. I myself would rather see the older version of Ahsoka and Anakin force ghost. Because that could cause many different story lines. i would love to see Heir to the empire

  4. Would be cool to get a new generation at some point instead of milking the existing stories till they are bone dry. I personally only care for 3 of the 10 titles. Here's hoping they are better than I'm predicting. Thats why mando felt refreshing, though its slowly shifting into fan service fiesta with all the animated stuff and old characters returning.


    I just watched the "The Rescue". As soon as I saw that lone X-Wing I knew it was… LUKE SKYWALKER!.
    But now what? Mando defeated Moff Gideon and is the rightful owner of the Dark Saber. Bo Katan refuses to accept it from him.

  6. Why kylo ren never saw a anakin force ghost but saw a han solo force ghost is beyond me. And why did kylo ren learn healing and die? Rey should have died. Then the title would actually make sense with kylo ren rise of skywalker.

  7. I have a lot to catch up in which is good. I』m planning to get Disney plus soon so I』ll have plenty to watch esp next year for all the Disney marvel tv shows. ????

  8. My guess is they need grogu not only to take the sample and do something as their big project, but also make him lose all his memory of who he was and reshape as the empires dark side warrior. The season ending with grogu throwing the mandalorian out and he says, I will come back for you , kid…

  9. If they kill Grogu in the final or try to make it look like he is death and we need too wait a whole year?… That would be the end of StarWars and Disney! ?

  10. Based on the Timeline – its possible we may even get a Cemeo from Yoda in the Degaba (I think thats right) System, maybe providing some training or insight to Ahsoka or even Ezra…

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