《夏洛克·霍爾姆斯與大逃亡》 Official Trailer(NEW 2021)Animation Adventure HD

觀看2021年3月23日以數字和藍光形式發行的動畫冒險電影《夏洛克·霍姆斯和偉大的逃亡》的官方預告片。在19世紀末,麥克,一個從富人那裡偷走給窮人的英勇out道者,受到人民的愛戴和尊重。 當世界上最偉大的狗偵探福爾摩斯(Sherlock Holmes)協助捉住麥克時,人們為他逮捕英雄而生他的氣! 但是四年之後,麥克已經從監獄中逃脫了。 在Sherlock要求重新奪回Mack的案件中,他發現了逃犯逃脫背後令人心碎的原因,並決定讓他實現他的最終願望,然後Mack自願向警方投降。 但是,當麥克的女兒被綁架時,每個人的計劃都會改變。 Sherlock為了挽救Mack的女兒並挽救生命,必須竭盡全力。 ©2020大喊大叫! 廠。 | 版權所有。 。

  1. This is taking me back to when I first saw Nick Wilde in Zootopia.
    When I saw him I just knew "Yeah the internet is gonna go crazy over him".
    Same thing for Legoshi and Beastars (I wonder if people know Legoshi is 17 years old)
    I'm in no way complaining, I just know some people are gonna go crazy for this.
    But I love the animation and I actually perfer anthromorphic animals as opposed to humans (unless its good animation)
    I'm really excited and can't wait to see this.

  2. Wasn』t there another Japanese Sherlock Holmes Dog Anime made in the mid 80』s before this one, going by the name of Sherlock Hound before this CG Anime made this canid detective』s fur grey in this CG Anime instead of that tannish brown fur he had back then? I once saw an English Dub of the late 80』s Sherlock Holmes dog anime years about ten or eleven years ago here on YouTube as a YouTube exclusive English Dub anime back in 2009 or 2010? Although I did learn that Hayao Miyazaki used to write and direct that furry anime back then, so there』s an interesting I know I looked up on Google a decade ago. So… is this a direct continuation of the mid 80』s furry anime itself or is it actually a reboot which would explain why this Sherlock Hound』s fur is grey instead of tannish brown?

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