海關英語 機場英語 移民局 9個必答問題 機場英文 順利入境 移民官面談 機場口語 美國口語 American custom English Dialogue #海關英文 #移民英文 #大話美語

#機場英語#海關英語#入境英語#移民英語#移民面談# 移民官問題口語#機場英文#大話美語#說美語# 說美國口語#日常美語#海關英語對話#入境英文#順利入境簡明英語口語閑暇時間1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=il8wNcmmL8M 50 常用美語口語美國社交英文https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAt1huLuiic 實用美語200句(1) 生活常用語短語https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hz14nA3wuyw 實用美語200句(2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2ts8eviQRM 實用美語200句(3) https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=oOI0qog_SNw 實用美語200句(4)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ju7lJ9iWuM 實用美語200句(5)https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=AYLiM7YxnP4 ?我的堅持靠你的支持。謝謝您點贊, 分享, 訂閱我的頻道! ? 加我的推特Twitter@americatalk8 ? To support, click LIKE, subscribe and activate the notifications above ↑ by clicking on the bell! Important ! ? .

  1. Remember, when you arrive any country, first is IMMIgration . then procede to Custom….but in U.S, when you pass immigration & the officer stamp on
    your u.S custom declaration form…. if nothing you declare & you could go to the green line….one time, before leaving Custom, a small dog passed me , then stopped by
    the guy behind me… right away, the cusom agents took him away for checking…. hehe..

  2. Another time, I arrived MIA, even before immigration, a plain cloth lady behind me & asked me in very low voice… where were you coming from ? I heard & knew, but did not answer, I was thinking she was joking… then she asked very loud again, so I realized not a joke… so I politely answer " sorry, I was thinking you were joking with me. I just arrived from Costa rica from a short vacation… she left…another time , I bought 4 bottle of 1 liter bacardi rum from Costa Rica duty free shop, total value $32… I declared.. the Custom guy asked me & gave me trouble, so I said officer, look, I declared already & only value $32… maybe 4 bottles over the licor limit , but he said it is over limit… no problem… go..always .just smile, calm, smily speak…

  3. 挺有幫助。

  4. 一般美式英語都不會如斯對答的,所以就不能死記。視頻是所用的是classroom English,只在寫答問題時用。改後例子:可變成How long are you going to be in New York? About two weeks. 切記要活用。(Enid Phillips from Houston, Texas)

  5. One time, I past the Miami Int'l airport immigration & the officer asked me . do you have over 10k us$ to declare ?, so I replied.. I wish I had .. so he smile & said.. me too…. so I passed easily…hehe..

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