前5名| 2020山地自行車

這是2020年排名前5的山地車。快到秋天了,這意味著幾乎所有2020年的山地車都在野外銷路,儘管並不是所有人都在商店裡。 因此,我們認為我們會經歷5條您在賽道上看到的最有趣或最重要的山地自行車。 我們不會在這裡加入電動自行車-不是因為我們認為它們不是山地自行車,而是因為我們必須在某些地方劃清界限! 與往常一樣,如果您想看到更多這樣的內容,請不要忘記喜歡,訂閱並單擊小鈴鐺圖標,這樣,每次我們上傳視頻時,您都會收到通知。 因此,沒有特別的順序,我們將列出2020年的最佳選擇。 有關世界上最佳的騎行建議,請訪問https://www.bikeradar.com/,在我們的社交媒體頻道上關注BikeRadar:https://instagram.com/bikeradar https://facebook.com/bikeradar https:// twitter。 com / bikeradar。

  1. I'll be keeping my 2005 Stumpjumper FSR Pro with 26" wheels. Those huge wheels are way too big and just feel totally wrong. Seems like even bikes are becoming donks.

  2. I'm a beginner mountain bike rider and don't really know what bike to get. The activities I'll be doing on my bike will be riding to school, local pump track and dirt jumps, some trails, riding around my neighbourhood and hitting jumps and just normal riding. What bike should I get. It must be a mountain bike. Thanks for the help.

  3. I』m looking for the best bike I can get for 12k dollars. Should I just have someone build me a custom bike or should I buy a pre-built? I』m upgrading from my 2017 hei hei trail

  4. I love to ride the bike specially if it's high-end,however I can't afford it,I wish I could barter my 1967(bicentennial) half dollar coin.the latest news in my coin in auction house is,it is now almost 20k in the USA

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