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  1. This looks more like a jg guide. I want to see the ward you do standing under mid outter turret and you ward the bush over the wall. I manage to do it sometimes but some other times i miss.

  2. Many Saying Sona is Useless and a Cockroach, Just Admit that they are feeders. I tried to warn if an buffy/cocky enemies hiding in a bush to gank us in our bot lane but my Partner wont listen anyway. Im still a beginner many people tries to blame and trashtalk me. So Im just gonna mute all my Toxic Teammates. Communication is key, I need some friends but i dont have friends and in real life. Being lonely (introvert) = Happy and no problems

    Friends= Problems and slave me

  3. QOTD: the 3 Bush next to the gromp. I like this ward because you can see if Zac, Kayn or Rek'Sai wants 2 Gank you on botlane

  4. QOTD: on the opposite side of blue buff, there is a 4 way path in the jungle. I personally get saved by putting a ward right in the middle of that crossroads before going to do drag/baron (depending which side you're on) since it covers 3 different approach angles. This one specifically doesn't go in a bush but the tradeoff is worth it to cover the third angle imo.
    Another ward is bot lane, in the farthest of the 3 side brush from you. This ward allows 2 things, a top laner to TP in behind, and prevents cheesy lane ganks since you will see the jungler walk into the brush from their side (example a jungle nunu waiting in the bush for you to step out from under tower to start an ult you can't see)

  5. qotd ward that sweetspot where you get vision on enemy blue and gromp (especially eve) you can track her all game and ping ur laners and she;ll wonder why she can't get kills. also pace pink in lane

  6. I love the raptors wards gives me the most knowledge out of every ward I use and as a jungler it is amazing to help me invade the enemy at either the red or blue buff as olaf for first blood

  7. 1 of the best wards i think is in the blue side jungle entrance if you place it perfectly you will have vision of the river and the enemy jung this prevent the jungler even coming close to your lane if you apply 5 second rule because it is too deep

  8. Those wards at the enemy jungle entrances are great. Just tried them out in my recent games, and they help so much to see when the enemy jungler is trying to come in for a gank.

  9. My friend once told me: We can't get ganked we have so much vision. Few seconds later we get 4 manned. "I guess its pointless having vision if we dont look at the map but at least we have a nice ward score"

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