
英雄聯盟即將出現在移動和控制台設備上! 英雄聯盟:荒野大裂谷的發布日期定為2020年,根據遊戲預告片看來,我們不會等待很長時間。 流行的MOBA的移動版本不是PC版本的埠,而是完全重建的體驗以適合平台。 儘管沒有跨平台,它將共享相似的事件和主題。 跨平台正在研究遊戲的主機版本。有關英雄聯盟移動的更多信息,請訪問:https://www.gfinityesports.com/article/2343/legends-of-legends-wild-rift-release-date-gameplay-預註冊規格和跨平台的ios-android-xbox-one-playstation-4-and-nintendo-switch與我們聯繫:推特:http://www.twitter.com/Gfinity FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/GfinityEsports INSTAGRAM:http://www.instagram.com/Gfinity網站:http://www.gfinityesports.com。

  1. Pls dont make the games shorter on the ps4 version alot of ppl on console loved how paragon had long games in general id prefer it on console being mostly like the pc version with minor changes

  2. Bruh. Why is this… NOT LEAGUE? If it was an entirely new game, then where』s my league? I only have an iPad and Switch, so I really want league, to be like league is on pc! That』s really unfair If pc players can have the original league but we can』t

  3. Bruh please, you guys need to add touch control like vainglory. I'm ex vainglory player and touch controls are the best thing you can do for a mobile moba.

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