如何在Manjaro或Arch Linux上安裝和配置NordVPN

感謝您的收看! 隨時提出問題或反饋意見。 與發布無關的詳細信息從7:06開始。 如果您使用的是Ubuntu等,或者已經安裝了NordVPN,請從此處開始。 。

  1. I got to the command
    yay -S nordvpn-bin it says build files exist
    I say N to Diffs to show?
    after the next line parsing SRCINFO: nordvpn-bin I get
    ERROR cannot find the strip binary required for object file stripping.
    error downloading sources: nordvpn-bin
    l-acs can you help.?

  2. I get the message "Cannot find the fakeroot binary."
    Local search for nordvpn yields nothing.
    Edit: I installed Ubuntu instead. Debian is much more user-friendly.

  3. Thank you so much. This laptop is old. Pop_OS isn't for these older machines with it's heavy Gnome 3 desktop. OpenBox Manjaro is the way to go on this device. I appreciate your tutelage.

  4. The latest nordvpn-bin 3.8.4-1 is not available on my package manager. if i try to update manually always giving just the previous 3.7.4-1 on my package list. i have a fully updated archlinux and do not understand why does not update my nordvpn-bin package??

  5. You did just fine on this video . It's good to give a procedural aspect. People who are exposed to the OS but don't do a lot of install need good direction.

  6. You explain too much. You should have realized that someone using Manjaro already knows about yay, aur, repos, pamac, systemctl and all the other details. I only came here to get a basic idea of what the install process is. Video could've been less than 5 minutes.

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