一件:海盜戰士3 –Official Trailer 4(1080p)一件:海盜戰士3

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  1. I seriously do love how the One Piece Anime handled Sabo's return. down to the theme song was excellent. They hid his face very well until the right time.

    When i watched the Wake Up theme with Sabos face shown the first time (episode 680 i think) i also droped my phone on the bus in pure joy

  2. I still see that the Navy/Marines wears RED PANTS here in some parts, WTF KOEI. I understand that they have red pants in Pirate Warriors 2 because it's a WHAT-IF story game. How can they be lazy with the costume/outfits of the characters? Oh yeah, the Pre-timeskip Strawhats still wears wrong outfits! The enemy NPC's too! Enemy pirates don't look like that in the anime! Everyone wears the same clothes and have less variety. 

  3. My only worries is that they got rid of the ability to go into a characters "super mode" etc. luffy going gear two, or sanji going diable Jambe. Don't get me wrong, the kizuna looks fantastic, but I always liked being able to go gear two with luffy when the going got tough

  4. Ok, Id love to play as Shanks as much as the next guy, but we have yet to know what he is fully capable of. The only skill we literally saw was his conqueror's haki. What would his super move be? Come on, think guys. Bartomeleo does need to be playable tho. He's a shooin

  5. At 1:22 do characters with Conqueror's Haki slow the world around them when they go into Kizuna Rush? Fujitora went into it in another video but everything moved normally for him

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