倖存的死亡| 官方預告片| 網飛

死亡意味著什麼?死亡是我們生存的終點嗎? 該系列結合了接近死亡甚至經歷過死亡的人們的第一手資料,將創新的新研究結合在一起,使觀眾進入了我們所知的超越人類生存的世界的非凡旅程。 僅在1月6日在Netflix上觀看《倖存者死亡》。訂閱:http://bit.ly/29qBUt7關於Netflix:Netflix是全球領先的流媒體娛樂服務,在190多個國家/地區擁有超過1.95億付費會員,並在各地收看電視劇,紀錄片和故事片多種類型和語言。 會員可以在任何連接互聯網的屏幕上隨時隨地觀看所需的內容。 成員可以播放,暫停和繼續觀看,而無需廣告或承諾。 倖存的死亡| 官方預告片| Netflix https://youtube.com/Netflix我們死後會發生什麼? 這部紀錄片系列探討了個人故事,並對瀕死經歷,輪迴和超自然現象進行了研究。 。

  1. Watchin currently and the medium who does Tommys voice is just idk…i believe in alot however idk why i don't trust her or like her….

  2. ???Let me know when they get to the part where they acknowledge that other cultures (African, Asian, Native) have explored these concepts for centuries.

  3. Jesus is the answer to this video when it comes to after you die and that he』s the only way and truth and life to Heaven because scriptures even say it is appointed unto us once to die but after the judgement and Jesus can save us from that if we believe in him!

  4. They』ll never have concrete evidence of the other world for one reason: the suicide rate would go through the roof. Imagine if you』re living a horrible life here in this world and you know, for sure, there』s another place after this one.

  5. I had a NDE. Prior to going to the hospital I kept hearing a voice telling me to go. 「Go to the hospital」. I was in so much pain but I was afraid I was going to waste their time and them treating me like I was crazy.

    When I finally went, hours later, suffering in horrible pain and barely being able to breathe the Dr told me that my blood was thick. I told him about my moms clotting history.
    An X-ray and CT Scan confirmed I have a medium blood clot in each lung, partial dead lung in the left lower side and fluid in both lungs.
    That voice saved my life!!
    While I was in the hospital recovering, I felt someone gently hold my face in there hands and kiss my forehead.

    There was no one physically there that could be seen.

  6. the meaning of life in a nutshell enjoyment is one of many existential existence meanings all leading back to life and death spoiler it's the meaning of life So the meaning of life is the infinite cosmic events infinitely perpetuating the creation of planets those planets creating life take earth humans make humans animals make animals and trees make ? .etc and without death there would be an oversaturation of life itself the meaning of existential existence is the same being a doctor or soldier or just a simple editor like me effects myself or someone else by extending or shorting life with every action you or I take all quantum physics really even does is act like the Glu that holds this and every other infinite sub set of reality together think of this one as its own place with infinite sub sets of its own now imagine every single thought you have has its own version of that if broken down proves the existence of god budda Mohammed the power rangers and everything in-between starting from least to greatest in power scale I love knowing this because I not only lean towards life but I also know every show every game everything you see whatch or think about is something that is happening in real time for someone somewhere at this very second it makes tv and videos games so much more fun not to mention everything is about life and death don't believe me well take a human there body is constantly living and dying at the same time blood cells down to the atomic level it all dies and regenerates untill the body is no more and the energy that is in it is displaced into another reality your minds constantly learning new information even just thinking Wich you do all day every day even when asleep pushes out the old info and gives you a new perspective in some way for better or worse the meaning of life in this reality and all realitys have only one constant life and death and a never ending rollercoaster of living and dieing throughout all reality well if you read this far let me say thank for understanding the meaning of life and death and I hope this will bring some if any closer for those that can't see the big picture because life has so many little pieces stay safe and as always.. see you later space cowboys ???

  7. The appropriate time to believe something is when there is verifiable evidence for it. Until then it falls in the Madam Grifercheck, medium to the scared, desperate and existential category.

  8. One time I took a picture of a ghost im not joking I took a picture of myself and there was a face behind me and I was alone in my room if you want to see the picture let me know i can share it by Facebook or Instagram

  9. I have had experiences that I feel may help others if I shared. It may sound religious at first, but it isn』t I assure you. In 2005, my grandfather passed away at a ripe old age. He was a pious man, who loved nature, and he loved his vegetable garden. At his funeral, I laid a wooden cross that I made when I was a child across his hands. I knew he would have liked it, knowing how he was religious.

    Fast forward 5 years, I was in college. One evening, I had a short, yet incredibly vivid dream. I dreamt that he had come to me. He didn』t look like a person. Just some wispy, transparent mist. But he conveyed to me in my mind that it was him. He enveloped me in an incredible aura of pure love. I』ve never in my life felt love like this, even to this day. It was almost tangible.
    The next morning I woke and told my mother (his daughter) about the dream. It turns out, I dreamt it 5 years to the day after he had died. A fact that I had completely forgotten. It had to be him.

    Fast forward to 2020, ten years later. I bought my first house, with a garden. Out of nowhere, squash started to grow in my garden. I didn』t plant it. I asked my neighbors, they didn』t plant squash, and the prior owners never grew squash either. It was seemingly miraculous. Squash was one of my grandfathers favorite vegetables to grow. I have my suspicions, deep down, that he was involved. He was congratulating me for my new house. Because of this I』m now a gardener, like him, growing other vegetables as well. He helped me learn a new passion in life.

    I believe deep down that there are signs, sometimes subtle, of those whom we love reaching out to us from the other side. I think that is what my grandfather was doing. My mother always said I had a special bond with him.

    Rest In Peace ❤️

  10. What a massive crock of SHIT.
    Not 1 bit convincing, recreating old fraudulent victorian techniques and blatant cold and hot reading mediumship.
    People really are stupid or incredibly vulnerable if they believe this.

    The actual info the mediums give out is so small and basic that they have to fish for it.
    Oh and you pay them.
    I know how to cold read and I can do it better than any of these in the show (and it is a show!)

  11. Has anyone here read seth speaks??
    If not you must read it since I have read it twice and now just got done watching this series my mind is blown but a little more puzzled together it explains a lot more in the book what it's like on the other side a little spoil alert for you the book is written from a being that is actually on the other side and that being wrote this book through a living person it is mind-blowing and a must read ??

  12. Its really surprising to me that no professional in the first episode suggested that NDEs could be associated with the psychedelic experience induced by N,N-Dimethyltryptamine.
    For the people that are interested to learn more about the topic I suggest you reading DMT: The spirit molecule by Dr. Rick Strassman.

  13. that dutch woman is infamous for her fraudulent practices in the Netherlands! PLEASE do not buy into her schemes!

  14. Who's here are skeptical about the Mediums? ? sorry but Nicole gave me cringes on changing voices, Tommy was funny though ?. I want more of the reincarnation stories, did feel like they can add more details to it.


  16. "417:36"
    When someone wants a good Streamer for this one, only use ????????.?0?
    Its good for everyone!!

    ମସ୍ତମସ୍ତଏସ୍ତଙ୍କସ୍ତଙ୍କହା ସମସ୍ତଙ୍କ ପାଇଁ ଉପଯୁକ୍ତ

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