
紀念第一次世界大戰結束100周年,並慶祝大賽特蒸汽展覽會50周年,這在21世紀真是不可思議的景象。 第一次世界大戰特別車隊被組織起來,從博芬頓的坦克博物館到表演場的塔蘭特·欣頓。 這部電影介紹了從波芬頓到布蘭福德論壇的車隊之旅。 在美國為觀看者添加了注釋。 日期採用英國/世界其他地區的格式,帶有日/月/年。 。

  1. I would think with all the steam and black smoke they produced, German balloon artillery spotters would have a field day.

  2. Extraordinary and impressive. Fragments of a world that no longer exists. There has been a world in the past where ideals of freedom were above all.

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