IMSCARED是我在頻道上玩過的第一批遊戲之一! 現在,我們重溫EXTENDED和HORRIFYING Steam版本! 我們要去旅遊了!! ►首創的受虐動物►玩遊戲►很棒的遊戲播放列表►https: //恐怖遊戲播放列表►關注我的Instagram►在Facebook上像我一樣►在Reddit上加入我們! ►恐怖Outro► Happy Outro►。

  1. I love that people are looking back on this video for some reason. I was in the mood for some scary stuff and YouTube recommended it to me. And after I watched it, I see that a lot of other people have come back to watch this too. I just find it really neat

  2. Ivan Zanotti. he was in a relationship with HER. this game is a document of his torture. SHE abused him, and when he tried to get help, SHE told him he was a liar. Whiteface is the form of his torment and resentment for HER, his rage and pain. it is referred to as an it because it is not Ivan, it is the monster which consumed him. pushed to the limit, whiteface takes him over. he shoots HER six times during a confrontation, and hangs himself, overtaken with remorse.
    game HE ended. he finally put a stop to her, but it was time to end himself as well.
    the rows of beds and strange, looping hallways.. his final moments in a hospital after attempting his suicide.
    the manic nature and strange, unnatural visions of the game were simply because Ivan was going insane.

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