
2020年,有一些開創性的筆記本電腦和一些絕對的笨蛋。 和我一起看看那一年。 00:00簡介01:55最佳筆記本電腦顯示03:07最佳筆記本電腦鍵盤05:05最佳筆記本電腦觸控板06:18最佳筆記本電腦揚聲器07:17最佳筆記本電腦網路攝像頭08:00最時尚的筆記本電腦08:45改進程度最低的筆記本電腦09:50最佳從2019年開始暫緩筆記本電腦10:24我使用最多的筆記本電腦11:16最令人失望的筆記本電腦12:37最改進的筆記本電腦13:48我使用的最差筆記本電腦15:09最喜歡的視頻17:01最佳預算筆記本電腦18:41最佳視頻筆記本電腦編輯19:08面向遊戲玩家的最佳筆記本電腦20:13面向程序員的最佳筆記本電腦22:02年度最佳筆記本電腦適合休閑用戶的筆記本電腦* Macbook Air M1(Disount鏈接):https://amzn.to/382QN4t最佳預算筆記本電腦*華碩Zenbook 14:https://bestbuy.7tiv.net/MPdJ2 * Lenovo Yoga 6:bestbuy.7tiv.net/9vdOE * Lenovo Ideapad 5 15:https://lenovo.vzew.net/vBbDv最佳遊戲筆記本電腦* HP Omen( AMD):https://www.awin1.com/cread.php?awinmid=7168&awinaffid=762031&ued=https://store.hp.com/us/en/ConfigureView?langId=-1&storeId=10151&catalogId=10051&catEntryId=3074457345619645323&urlLangId= &quant ity = 1&jumpid = ma_omen-gaming_product-tile_laptops_3_8tc73av-1_omen-laptop-15z–en0 * HP Omen(AMD):https://bestbuy.7tiv.net/b61AP * Lenovo Legion 5(AMD):https:// amzn。到/ 3hqrQCZ *電子Mech G3(英特爾):https://www.eluktronics.com/MECH-15-G3最佳編程筆記本電腦* Lenovo Thinkpad T14(AMD):https://lenovo.vzew.net/YXmQm * Lenovo Thinkpad T14s(AMD):https://lenovo.vzew.net/mLyWq具有最佳顯示效果的筆記本電腦* HP Spectre 14 OLED:https://www.awin1.com/cread.php?awinmid=7168&awinaffid=762031&ued=https:/ /store.hp.com/us/en/pdp/hp-spectre-x360-laptop-14t-ea000-touch-1q881av-1最佳整體筆記本電腦* Macbook Pro M1(折扣鏈接):https://amzn.to/ 2L6g8kE筆記本電腦Josh用途*臨時使用-Dell XPS 9310:https://www.dell.com/zh-cn/shop/dell-laptops/new-xps-13-laptop/spd/xps-13-9310-laptop *臨時使用-Macbook Air M1:https://amzn.to/382QN4t *視頻編輯-Macbook Pro 16:https://amzn.to/3rCtTII *遊戲-HP Omen:https://bestbuy.7tiv.net/b61AP *編程-Aero 17 HDR:https:// be stbuy.7tiv.net/Okk5Q Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/justjoshtech/ Twitter:https://twitter.com/JustJoshTech Discord:https://discordapp.com/invite/MHrS4wG Patreon:https:/ /www.patreon.com/justjoshtech查詢:[email protected] 2020年我最喜歡的視頻:-特殊頻道周年紀念視頻:https://youtu.be/cOmB9cLRWn0-Youtuber Collab視頻:https://youtu.be/oP4Ho0ahzTs我的個人裝備:顯示器:https://amzn.to/3cfSTgw鍵盤:https://www.awin1.com/cread.php?awinmid=7168&awinaffid=762031&ued=https://store.hp.com/us/en / omen-spacer-wireless-tkl-keyboard滑鼠:https://amzn.to/34wrc0d攝像頭1:https://amzn.to/3oMDLhB攝像頭2:https://amzn.to/35TqfQH主鏡頭:https: //amzn.to/380FKsB縮略圖鏡頭:https://amzn.to/381u8G0 Vlog鏡頭:https://amzn.to/37Xr39T按鍵燈:https://amzn.to/2ETUNEG gun彈槍麥克風:https:// amzn.to/30wa9aR Lav麥克風:https://amzn.to/2QlQhYq無線麥克風:https://amzn.to/2E4jq4t備份驅動器:https://amzn.to/2L9NSuG我的手錶:https:// amzn。至/ 2TzK0HA As 我從符合條件的購買中賺取的Amazon Associate。 #BestOf2020 #Laptop #Review。

  1. Firstly, God richly bless you man! I'm very grateful for coming across your channel. Wished I had known this channel earlier. You have saved me a ton, with your honest and sincere reviews and suggestions. I believe anyone who has watched any of your videos would agree. God richly bless you man! Keep up the great work.

    Quick one. Budget is ready for a 17inch premium laptop for architecture design works, art design, light gaming, writing, etc. Should I get the Dell XPS 17? or there is another better alternative? or I should hold on a bit since the AMD 5000 series will be in production soon? Please, what is your professional advice?

  2. First time watching your channel, absolutely love how thorough you are Josh! Congrats mate. I have tried to find this info but no luck. Any thoughts on best 2 in 1 windows laptop?

  3. Hello brother. I am student, programmer, developer, and a gamer …. please recommend me a good laptop for programming gaming and editing purpose. Please suggest me a good one. I am in need of a good laptop. So please look after my comment as soon as possible.

  4. Should I get an m1 MacBook Air? My laptop is too old I want a new one. High school student, sometime play league of legend and Minecraft. I don』t really know if a MacBook Air can handle gaming

  5. Josh take a look at your videos on a normal size smart phone.
    I can't read the make & model at the lower left screen. You could put larger letters and leave the name up so us older viewers can copy it down without backing up the video several times.
    You also talk like your giving a 1 minute commercial in 20 seconds. Take a breath and slow down. I am not that old. Your not helping tec people that know all the names and model numbers. Some of us don't work at Best Buy in the computer department.
    Consider your audience.
    Sorry but just trying to help others because your reviews are useful but not for people taking notes. I don't write that fast.
    HV a great year.

  6. its hard to choose extremely over rated mac's, US manufacturers that abuse Chinese labor and Chinese manufactured cheap cheating knock offs. But that is our choices in a nut shell!!

  7. As a 15 year old tech enthusiast, I discovered your channel a little over a year ago. My main reactions to your videos nowadays are mainly Wowowowow. Your production has improved so much into something that I happily watch regularly. I hope you have a good year this year.

  8. lets not overlook how much better Josh himself looks, clean, well put together, fit, and very professional. Truly inspiring. thanks for the great content!

  9. i have been using hp elite book for a while with the dedicated page up and page down, home and end button. This set up just saves the day with a single click. And i would really give the winner for the best keybaord for HP spectre 360. Maybe its just a personal preference, but when we get used to it, you will feel blessed.

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