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從冠狀病毒大流行到總統大選以及為種族平等而戰,《今日周末》回顧了2020年一些重大新聞頭條。»訂閱今日:http://on.today.com/SubscribeToTODAY»觀看最新消息今日:http://bit.ly/LatestTODAY關於:今日為您帶來有關金錢,健康和養育子女的最新頭條和專家提示。 我們每天早晨起床,為您和您的家人提供開始新一天所需的一切。 如果對您很重要,對我們也很重要。 我們從事人事業務。 訂閱我們的頻道,獲取今日TODAY存檔素材和原始網路系列。 與今天在線聯繫! 訪問今天的網站:http://on.today.com/ReadTODAY在Facebook上查找今天:http://on.today.com/LikeTODAY在Twitter上關注今天:http://on.today.com/FollowTODAY在今天關注今天Instagram:http://on.today.com/InstaTODAY在Pinterest上關注今天:http://on.today.com/PinTODAY#2020 #TodayShow回顧2020年的頭條新聞| 今天。

  1. For what stands out to me for 2020 nobody ever mentions .late January Dr. Fauci told the world The CCP said COVID-19 is not transmittable from human to human and that we should trust what the CCP has told him. This has been a fundamental metaphorical foundational Stone of what the Democrats have done in America this year.

  2. Funny how they don't mention some top news stories.
    The coverage of the burn, loot, murder riots which they constantly labelled peaceful protests, and how they couldn't be super spreader events, but counter protests were.
    How about the democrat leaders who kept releasing those arrested for rioting and how the riots only calmed down when those people stopped getting released.
    How about the censorship of right wing supporters on social media who get labeled misinformation or removed from the platforms, even though their opinions are just as informed as left wing supporters.
    On that note, the hunter biden story which got censored before the election and then we find out it was real and is currently being investigated.
    I didn't like trump at all at the beginning of this year and I still don't like some of the things he's done, but I believe the greater injustice comes from the lies and manipulations of the mainstream media. How can you continue to hate trump when you know the people telling you to hate trump have been proven to be liars and manipulators.
    I have learned to seek more information from different sources to lessen the bias. I have also learned that I should worry less about the national campaigns, and focus more on local elections. Those are the places that Americans have neglected which allow greater divide between the elected officials and the people they claim to represent.

  3. Let's just say that everything that happened in 2020 was caused by the Coronavirus. And also, just remember how we weren't expecting 2020. Just remember, we don't know what 2021 is going to be like. The world is getting worse.

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