
今年我們大家都花了很多時間觀看許多視頻-這些是2020年史密森尼(Smithsonian)最受歡迎的視頻,從大貓國(Big Cat Country)到中途之戰(Battle Of Midway)以及介於兩者之間的所有內容。 0:00-2020年最受歡迎的十大視頻簡介0:23-釋放中世紀投石機2:27-母獅不會讓幼崽的父親在6:25附近-轟炸暴露了海軍對新船的需求10:13-15日世紀戰爭武器一次發射了100支箭12:22-恐怖的矮人鱷魚屏住了呼吸15:28-埃及學家打開了新發現的金字塔18:50-羅馬皮盧姆遠程武器無與倫比20:52-母獅媽媽面對了侵入者22: 36-化石發掘出了錯26:28-美國飛行員在運輸公司Hiryu上獲得了直接成功.ly / 2FE6OSh Twitter:https://bit.ly/33lH712 Instagram:https://bit.ly/3iw9Iay Facebook:https://bit.ly/3kkVOZp。

  1. Too bad that there is no film or very little footage of Canada's Air Foil of the 1960s after testing the Govt. suspended for cost reasons the Foil sat in dry dock for years then one day it was gone……just like the Arrow of the 50s………we invent things then suspend for -$s

  2. U.S.S GHOST , Having been built in re/ U.S.S COLE getting a serve up . This ship or any other capable of high speed ! It may well have warp speed , didnt you pay attention . IT dont take much to tag a ship at anchor…

  3. I truly wish amazing channels like the Smithsonian would not glorify the military especially the US military. Billions of unnecessary dollars are spent to create things like 「ghost」 when that money could be better spent on healthcare, poverty, & education. How about the US stop invading other countries & stay out of their water and air space

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