哥斯拉vs.金剛預告片#1(2021)| 電影剪輯預告片

看看米莉·鮑比·布朗(Millie Bobby Brown)主演的官方哥斯拉大戰金剛預告片! 在下面的評論中讓我們知道您的想法。 ►註冊Fandango FanALERT:https://www.fandango.com/godzilla-vs-kong-2021-224101/movie-overview?cmp = MCYT_YouTube_Desc是否希望收到有關所有最新電影預告片的通知? 訂閱頻道,然後單擊響鈴圖標以保持最新。 美國發行日期:2021年3月31日主演:亞歷山大·斯卡斯高德,米莉·鮑比·布朗,麗貝卡·霍爾導演:亞當·溫加德劇情簡介:可怕的怪物哥斯拉和金剛在這場史詩般的戰鬥中相形見for,而人類卻希望消滅這兩種生物並奪回地球。 觀看更多預告片:►熱門新預告片:http://bit.ly/2qThrsF►動作/科幻預告片:http://bit.ly/2Dm6mTB►驚悚預告片:http://bit.ly/2D1YPeV為您加油電影痴迷者:►訂閱MOVIECLIPS跟蹤器:http://bit.ly/2CNniBy►觀看電影剪輯原產地:http://bit.ly/2D3sipV►在FACEBOOK上像我們一樣:http://bit.ly/2DikvkY►關注我們在TWITTER上:http://bit.ly/2mgkaHb►在INSTAGRAM上關注我們:http://bit.ly/2mg0VNU Fandango MOVIECLIPS TRAILERS頻道提供了熱門的新預告片,預告片和偷看,以觀看即將上映的所有電影。 訂閱以隨時了解劇院和您喜歡的流媒體平台上的所有內容。 。

  1. Mark Russell: godzilla is out there and hurting people and we dont know why
    Kong: yeah we got to stop him
    fake Godzilla: hey im going to destroy earth
    Godzilla: wait a minute
    Kong: whos who?
    Godzilla: its that guy he is acting like my grandfathers enemy (the showa series)
    fake Godzilla: rips his skin
    Mark Russell: uuhh
    Godzilla and Kong: target locked on mechagodzilla
    MechaGodzilla: uh oh

  2. Jesus loves you he died for you. He wakes you up every morning. If you don't repent and find God you will go to hell and burn and you can never leave. I'm telling you the truth I don't want you in hell

  3. I love how every monster in like a monster movie, come out of their hides-hole and just like try to look menacing, except for Kong, he goes straights for the noggin.

  4. Kong in chains? Really?. So he's been elevated to titan status, grown to the size of Godzilla and is being held in man made chains?!. Could you imagine Godzilla or King Ghidorah in chains? No, me neither.

  5. I think godzilla thought that kong was the threat and kong thought that godzilla was the threat. If none of them was the threat then they're fighting for nothing.

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