GODZILLA VS KONG預告片(2021)Monster Movie

GODZILLA VS KONG Trailer(2021)Monster Movie©2021-Warner Bos。

  1. If the nuclear plant that is Godzilla looses to a titan which the power is : Monkee, I』m quitting this world.

  2. Artifically made youtube celebrities in the comments: "OMG OMG OMG Capeship 6 is coming out and I can't wait!!! OMG OMG OMG! I better play my Nintendo switch"

  3. Godzilla: I'm killen people bc I'm triggered bc u launch nukes at me and I'm being fucking mind controlled I think and they pick a fucking monkey to defeat me!

  4. "Godzilla is hurting people and we don't know why" Godzilla: bruh he ducking punched me in the frikin face and I'm trying to kill em and plus he push me in water ?

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