
2月28日,大家?在此處收聽並訂閱我們的官方行屍走肉播客「對我說死」:http://bit.ly/TalkiTunes2Me訂閱Skybound►http://goo.gl/3u3aPi成為Skybound內部人員► http://videos-insiders.skybound.com請訪問Skybound網站►http://goo.gl/y7SIS2在Instagram上關注《行屍走肉》►http://bit.ly/TWDinsta在Twitter上關注《行屍走肉》►http ://twitter.com/TheWalkingDead在Twitter上關注Skybound►http://goo.gl/V7H898就像Facebook上的Skybound►http://goo.gl/38Nw5l。

  1. Wouldn't be fucing cool if negan came out with a new lucile ..and sees maggie and decided to bash her head in to ?? bash bash bash

  2. I know it probably won't happen but would it really be too much to ask for the return of Rick in the series finale? Like maybe Michonne found him and in a surprise twist, they end up saving everyone and walking off into the sunset (figuratively speaking) with Judith? Please man, just give us that ending! Please Andrew and Danai!

  3. Everyone saying that Maggie will kill Negan, but I am thinking of something totally different…The fact is that Negan HAS to die at some point in the series, for the pain he cause on so many people…but the only way I am thinking of a death that will give him total redemption and forgiveness for all the things he has done, especially for the death of Glenn, would be to sacrifice himself to save Glenn's and Maggie's son, from something…I suppose we will see…

  4. I have a theory imagine if the outbreak is not worldwide and only in America and the rest of the world decided to leave them to it. This whole time most of the world was normal and didnt want to risk it spreading so just sacrificed America and left them all to die. Imagine the characters finding out that this whole time the rest of the world is unaffected while they have been living this hell

  5. I hope for the final season or whatever there』s an episode where they go back to like the prison and all the iconic locations , Hershels farm – would be very nice

  6. 0:00 That voice is probably Lance Hornsby, a character from the comics who interviews the group.
    0:10 Could this be Josh's group from the comics that Aaron and Jesus meet? In the comics there is a little group of Whisperers at a campfire that Jesus and Aaron meet and they kill some of them after they are ambushed and the leftover 3 join Aaron and Jesus.
    0:12 it looks like Ezekiel just watched someone die… or maybe he finds out the Commonwealth has the stuff he needs to help his cancer.
    0:18 wonder who this could be, doesn't look like anyone from the comics.
    0:21 looks like Negan.
    0:22 early Saviors maybe?
    0:26 Don't know who the hell this is but I'm pretty sure he's the dude holding a gun to Aaron's head which I am NOT okay with.
    0:31 looks like that dude is Morgan, probably not tho.
    0:32 could that be Stephanie? I mean in the comics Stephanie is black but the show is known for changing stuff.
    0:36 come on Maggie that's just an asshole move, I hope she didn't actually tell her young child that and she's just saying this to Negan to make him feel bad.
    0:42 idk why but the figure kinda looks like Negan.

  7. 「Let』s start with your name.」
    「Where are you from?」
    「Where were you when the fall happened?」

    Alright is it just me or does the guy saying these lines sound awfully familiar to Dr. Jenner???

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