在她的眼睛後面| 官方預告片| 網飛

改編自* No *最暢銷小說,以* that *令人震驚的結尾。 在她的眼睛後面是單身母親路易絲(Louise)和已婚夫婦阿黛爾(Adele)和戴維(David)糾纏在一起的生活。 他們的故事既浪漫,激動又曲折,結局令人震驚。 訂閱:http://bit.ly/29qBUt7關於Netflix:Netflix是全球領先的流媒體娛樂服務,在190多個國家/地區擁有2.04億付費會員,可收看各種流派和語言的電視連續劇,紀錄片和故事片。 會員可以在任何連接互聯網的屏幕上隨時隨地觀看所需的內容。 成員可以播放,暫停和繼續觀看,而無需廣告或承諾。 在她的眼睛後面| 官方預告片| Netflix https://youtube.com/Netflix一個單身母親進入了一個精神錯亂的遊戲世界,當她與精神病醫生的老闆開始外遇並秘密地與他神秘的妻子成為朋友時。 。

  1. I get they don't want to make it one of the trailers that tell all or they expect the people to know the book. But the trailes is ambiguous even about the genre. Psychological? Supernatural? Thriller? Drama? Just from watching the trailer alone, I couldn't tell. And I don't think it's a job well done. Many people won't bother getting more information and just write it off, people who would watch, while other people try it, but never finish it, when they find out it isn't the genre they wanted. The data Netflix cares about.

  2. This film looks…um…very nice…and I think it's…trying to …portrait…the…lessons….of life?!! Oh fine! I just want likes!

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