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  1. WTF… Am I the only person disgusted by this guy's lack of decent manners??
    Dirty arsehole burped on the fucking video and didn't even excuse himself!

    I hope this guy isn't an 'influencer' lol ffs

  2. All this VPN nonsense is just passing your data to central hackers at these providers until people wake up and is this a public shared network ? No then why bother with vpn

  3. hi Tom, ANY piece of software on a physical server can be hacked. you need ROM-ONLY at the HOST end. ANY code in RAM is potentially a point of attack. From start, you need HW for this function ONLY. booting encrypted Software to avoid hacking that early stage. maybe special RO M.2 ? SERVERS = CHALLENGING. better ASA…

  4. Remember… Always take things Tom says with a grain of salt. And that goes for anyone else that talks about leaked information's like these… Most of the times only the people in charge really knows what happened.

  5. can someone explain how they gained access to OS and LXC with just out-of-band management access … you are sitting there with console screen … staring at OS login … now what ? there seems to be more to this story that what is being told by web/news portals …

  6. Just to be fair. Nord vpn advert is accurate. Ain』t no hacker blah.blah.. Is a double negative, so it』s an affirmative. It』s says hacker CAN steal your data

    Not only are they crap at security, but also at grammar.

  7. I've just read the NordVPN blog… I got the impression from the news websites that this data breach has only just happened this month! But were talking a data breach that happened in march 2018 is only just coming to light now?

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