
觀看3月2021年黃金遊戲的預告片,其中包括Xbox One標題,《戰爭世界:突破》和《惡性攻擊》《駱駝啟示錄》,以及向後兼容的Xbox 360標題,《合金彈頭3》和《皇家港口3》。#IGN #Gaming #Xbox 。

  1. I mean… Every month can't be a AAA title ??‍♂️… We just got Control and Tomb Raider for free.. Sometimes you go have to take an L

  2. Guess they don』t call it IGN FIRST for nothing……your the first to disappoint everyone with the lineup of GwG titles for March, If I had the money to purchase a PlayStation I would because Xbox just feels like a slowly sinking ship at this point.

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