2020年羅馬尼亞X因子最佳試聽! | 頂尖人才

觀看《 X因子羅馬尼亞2020》中最出色的試鏡! ▶︎在此處觀看更多頂級人才http://bit.ly/TOPTALENT_SUB頂級人才從世界各地汲取X因子,最佳人才和偶像的精華! 從我們見過的最神奇的到最有趣的試聽和表演! 在YouTube上觀看所有視頻! 千萬不要錯過今天上傳的訂閱! 。

  1. Someone can explain me why the phenomenal Super 4 are in Romania? They are a little bit famous in Italy (gregorio rega the red cap man in particular) but surely not like their talent value

  2. Search for Robert Botezan-Lucifer! That s the best adition on X Factor Romania 2020! He came with his own composition
    Please watch that!

  3. These people can sing, but they are lacking in showmanship. Bella Santiago when she performed, she owns the stage. She put the bar higher, she can dance and sing at the same time. It's time for others to do better …..

  4. Is so touching when the parents of the contestant showed on the monitor…this is how i also felt when watching Filipino
    Going abroad to Join Singing Contest Too…and i Think I Love Romanian and Australian Judges They Really Fir Talents and Not For Looks and Races.

  5. Loredana ar trebui sa poarte "name tag" ca sa stie lumea cine este.. De nerecunoscut,ce trist..Sonia Mosca..is the BOMB!

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