
尋找一些可在PC,PS4,Xbox One和Switch上玩的免費遊戲嗎? 以下是2020年以來最好的一些免費遊戲。訂閱更多:https://www.youtube.com/gameranxTV?sub_confirmation=1#10 Rogue公司平台:PC PS4 XBOX ONE SWITCH發行日期:TBA 2020#9 Spellbreak Platform :PC PS4 XBOX一鍵式發布日期:2020年9月3日#8困擾PS1演示光碟平台:PC https://hauntedps1.itch.io/demodisc2020#7不幸的太空人平台:PC發布日期:2020年6月#6 Gridiron平台: PC發行日期:2020年7月24日#5 HyperScape平台:PC PS4 XBOX ONE發行日期:2020年8月11日#4 Phantasy Star Online 2平台:PC NA:2020年5月27日WW:2020年8月5日(PS4 PS Vita Switch )發行日期:Xbox One 2020年4月14日#3 Genshin Impact平台:PC PS4發行日期:2020年9月28日#2《使命召喚》戰區平台:2020年3月10日發行日期:PC PS4 XBOX ONE#1勇氣平台:PC發布日期:2020年6月2日BONUS Kinoko平台:PC發布日期:2020年7月24日Shop Titans平台:PC發布日期:2020年5月5日漂白:Brave Souls Platf orm:PC發行日期:2020年8月18日Warframe:Deimos的心臟平台:PC PS4 XBOX ONE交換機發行日期:2020年8月25日。

  1. I』ve never heard some say the word game so weird in my entire life. How do you pronounce game gaem? The only thing that annoys me about this channel.

  2. Defiance 2050 should be up here!can go up to 62 vs 62 shadow wars (8vs8 comp matches)pvp battles open world,grinding arkfalks for gear,events almost every month,community events weekly,daily and weekly contracts to buy better gear from reputation vendors,the list goes on!check out the battles on my channel!if you like point and shoot,fast paced 3rd person games,your in for a treat!

  3. Spellbreak is honestly fucking phenomenal, be can we PLEASE, for the ever-loving sake of fuck STOP saying that every single cell-shaded game looks like, or was inspired by, Breath Of The Wild. It's getting fucking ridiculous. Nintendo didn't create, nor does it have exclusive rights to, cell-shading in videogames.

  4. these games are free so you dont need to pay for them 😀 but the lazy assholes who made them arent gonna optimize them either so GOOD LUCK buying a new INCREDIBELY EXPENSIVE PC to run them

  5. If you make an alternate account with your region set in japan. You can get fantasy star online. Im in Na and i have it on ps4

  6. A better comparison to a VERY similar game to Unfortunate Spacemen, is Deceit. Also free on Steam and very fun and one player is a shape-shifting monster each round and the others have to figure out who and stop them, or die/lose.

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