/ dev日記:2020年12月-回顧,前進-英雄聯盟:狂野大裂谷

到2020年(最終)快要結束時,我們正準備迎接新的一年,回顧一年的旋風,展望2021年的所有激動。 Rift,這是我們今年最後的/ dev日記。 要了解更多信息,請訪問https://wildrift.leagueoflegends.com。 時間戳0:00-與克里斯蒂娜0:54簡介-新冠軍1:52-公開測試版排名獎勵2:02-新皮膚2:42-回顧2020 3:35-展望2021 4:20-Outro關於遊戲深入野外裂痕:英雄聯盟的技能和5v5 MOBA經驗,現已從頭開始為移動設備和遊戲機打造。 藉助全新的控制項和快節奏的遊戲,各個級別的玩家都可以與朋友組隊,鎖定他們的冠軍並參加大型比賽。 在Google Play上進行預註冊或下載:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.riotgames.league.wildrift關注200IQ遊戲片段,開發和功能更新以及更多內容:Instagram:https://instagram.com/playwildrift Facebook:https://facebook.com/playwildrift Twitter:https://twitter.com/wildrift網站:https://wildrift.leagueoflegends.com。

  1. Das Game ist echt cool gemacht, ich zocke es fast jeden Tag, aber die
    meisten Spieler verstehen die Lanes nicht, gehen zu dritt auf eine Lane
    oder es fehlt ein Jungler, Supporter auf Top-Lane-Solo, Supporter und
    Mage auf Bot-Lane usw. Das geht gewaltig auf die Nerven und versaut die
    ganze Spielerfahrung. Bitte patcht eine Vorwahl für die Lanes und die
    Rollen (so wie
    beim PC-LOL), das wird echt mal Zeit.

  2. Middle East server is so empty, I cant even get single ranked game…. normal games take 25-55 seconds at minimum to join. What would have hurt you to focus on India server where both Arena of Valor and Mobile legends were banned!!
    Your research and analyst teams are idiots.

  3. 1: Cara, coloquem por favor, nas partidas, que todos fiquem com o nível 18. O snowball em 15 níveis, acaba com a partida. O cara ta super forte, as partidas acabam muito rapidamente por causa disso. Se tiver um Nasus feedado, ele acaba com a partida num q em cada torre.

    2: Coloquem tela solta.

    3: Lançem logo para as Américas, nós latinos estamos loucos para jogar sem lag.

    4: Balanceiem os campeões.

  4. Do something about the afk on rank wtf theres not even a protection points for those who lost the game due to afk teammate ghaaaad I even lost my champion score rank give us protection points or make the match unrecorded so we wont gain or lose anything when someone goes afk on the game ban is not enough Improve more please. All the videos you all made us to be informed and be advised to not tilt at the game and how can we even do that? There's not even benefits on rank nor protections from players who made the game look bad and depressing if you're telling us to improve don't forget to improve the game also

  5. Almost ready just gotta get a thumb up UP THUMB PLZ edit ehhhh get ur yourselves yordels not a sigh let』s be honest pretty sorry stopping time ain』t ur blights radio blitzcrank SNOWMAKER SNOWMAKER SNOWMAKER DONT U DARE #23 forgiddiabout oOt shruggin then they shit blitzcrAP dead times almost up all on camera thank y』all 2021 spring promise ? so hot….

  6. Pleease add more assasins like Kayn and Pyke I have bunch of friends getting tired of this current champions and Yordles ew. We were waiting for Swain, Pyke and Kayn

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