
這是我參加2020年國際小姐大賽的前10名2020年國際小姐大賽在面試中最好的10名#MissGrandInternational2020 #SamanthaBernardo #AurraKharishma #LalaGuedes #ChantarapaditNamfon #MaricieloGamarra #MarianaVarela #AngelaYuriar #HanLay#MGI2020。

  1. Wow! The Mexican has a great body and a divine face (big eyes !!). Very classy and super feminine. This girl is ANOTHER LEVEL. Did you notice that when he stood up and raised his hand, he figured the logo of the MGI organization? I am captivated, I do not stop seeing her again and again ? You can see the preparation that MM Organization gave her. Smells like ?. Another favorite is the Czech Republic, also very beautiful, in the style of the Mexican. They should get out of hand in the final.

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