NordVPN在中國-可行嗎? 7位用戶解釋!

NordVPN在中國運作,但並不適合所有人。 最受歡迎的替代方法是…????NordVPN Express VPN Astrill VPN ———簡單的中文書籍開始學習普通話———–會說中文 ———–了解中國文化必讀! ———– 101個外國人了解中國人的故事 ———–訂閱更多中文技巧,訪談和書評! ———– ———–社交媒體上的Kwadwo Sampany-Kessie:——- —- ———–用於此視頻的視頻齒輪:- ———- **相機-iPhone 7 YEP。 這是真的。 只需使用手機並製作視頻! 您的照明更重要!! ** iPhone支架-Mephoto Sidekick:因為我在Instagram上垂直傾斜,在YouTube上水平傾斜。 **三腳架-Gorillapod 5k:我新的堅固台式三腳架 ** Moment-iPhone寬鏡頭 ** Shure MV88 iOS(iPhone)電容式麥克風-因為好的聲音很重要! ——-免責聲明:此視頻描述包含會員鏈接,這意味著,如果您單擊其中一個產品鏈接並獲得收益,則該公司將與我分擔一小部分費用。 ——-初級漢語由Kwadwo Sampany-Kessie創建,旨在幫助居住在中國的外籍人士學習日常漢語,以便他們交流所需的信息。 什麼是VPN? (來自Wiki)虛擬專用網路(VPN)將專用網路擴展到公用網路上,並使用戶能夠跨共享或公用網路發送和接收數據,就像其計算設備直接連接到專用網路一樣。 因此,跨VPN在計算設備(例如筆記本電腦,台式機,智能手機)上運行的應用程序可能會受益於專用網路的功能,安全性和管理。 加密是VPN連接的常見但不是固有的部分。 在其他應用程序中,Internet用戶可以使用VPN保護其交易,以規避地理限制和審查制度,或者連接到代理伺服器以保護個人身份和位置,從而在Internet上保持匿名。 但是,一些網站阻止訪問已知的VPN技術以防止繞過其地理限制,並且許多VPN提供商一直在制定策略來解決這些障礙。 通過使用專用電路或通過現有網路上的隧道協議建立虛擬的點對點連接來創建VPN。 可從公共Internet獲得的VPN可以提供廣域網(WAN)的某些好處。 。

  1. Use ExpressVPN, we actually have security, unlike NordVPN which actually got hacked at one point, we haven't been hacked (This comment has been compromised by the Chinese government)

  2. You uploaded Sept 2019, that's when I first tried paid VPN, I used it for one week, and it was approaching the Chinese National day, and I was refunded, because at that time many of the VPN services failed in China. I had to use back free VPN.
    I used psiphon for 4-5years and it stopped working.

  3. I live in Beijing, I just installed NordVPN on my PC (I had to use shadowsocks to get it). It worked, but really poorly. It worked, but really poorly with obfuscated servers. So downloaded openvpn (needed softether for that, files wouldn't download with shadowsocks running) and used the servers provided by nordvpn. So far, working OK.

  4. NordVPN doesn』t work in China. I installed it before going in China and used obfuscated server but it was impossible to connect above Shenzhen

  5. I just bought NordVPN months before I came back to China…It worked well when I tried to use it for browing specific Chinese websites when abroad. However, as soon as I entered the broad, I found that it did not really work in China…It's extremely struggling that I had to use other VPNs to access the homepage of Nord, and contact the help center. I don't know whether it can finally be fixed, but the experience so far is kind of troublesome…

  6. I use express mostly because there was an offer on when I signed up, but I've heard good things about all of the "big three", I know a lot of people using nord this year actually (or even a combination of them haha)

  7. I have experienced something that might explain why some of these vpn services work on some devices and not for others. I use express on my macbook and ipad (which are still set to South Africa in the region settings of the devices) and on those, Express connects instantly. However, I got a new phone (Iphone X) here in China with the region settings being China (for stuff like WeChat pay and Alipay) and for some reason i have issues getting a stable connection with Express on the iPhone. So on my phone I use "Hotspot shield" and it works perfectly. Hotspot shield is the ONLY free VPN that I have found that allows me to make calls back home on platforms like Whatsapp and Facetime. I am in Beijing.

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