適用於Linux I NordVPN的NordVPN故障排除

在此視頻中,我們將為Linux提供一些VPN故障排除建議。 雖然NordVPN在Linux上通常可以正常運行,但是有多種原因有時會導致VPN連接失敗。 我們為您提供了一些簡單的解決方案,以防萬一。 ***請確保安全並在此處查看NordVPN的最新交易:http://content.nordvpn.com/3doOFGZ ***有很多方法可以解決NordVPN的連接問題。 您可以簡單地更新應用程序,嘗試重新安裝它或嘗試手動連接方法作為最後的選擇。 檢查以下鏈接,以了解如何在Debian,Ubuntu,Elementary OS和Linux Mint上安裝和使用NordVPN以及如何執行手動連接:https://content.nordvpn.com/3qx1iUr https://content.nordvpn.com / 3pBivdL *** NordVPN是一項高級VPN服務,可提供一流的加密和多種伺服器。 而且,它確實是快速,安全的,並且包含許多附加功能。 在此處獲取它:http://content.nordvpn.com/3doOFGZ #HowToNordVPN #NordVPN #Linux #Ubuntu。

  1. Hey there, I'm from Iran and as you know we are in a restricted country where we can't even purchase your VPN service. I have noticed you've made an emergency email address for getting Nord VPN subscription from Iran, I have sent an email to you about probably 8 months ago explaining my situation in Iran and I still haven't got any responses. I was hoping the offer is real and you're actually willing to help us here. Thank you.

  2. Hey I got a question so can people find where you live with an IP cause I got ddoxed and I got scared where they use the fraze of "two birds on stone" please reply I have been trouble sleeping

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