NordVPN是合法的嗎? 安全的? 合法的?

在這個視頻中,我要回答的問題是nordvpn正當性,是否安全且合法? 這絕不是法律建議。 只是報告在網路上的發現。 Nordvpn =。

  1. You blew it pal when you started off with "there's a link to Nord VPN below" and then followed up with the mysteries of all mysteries to which you answered "YES". You don't get a VPN for speed. You get it for privacy. Boogie man ? ? Bro, your a f'n idiot. 58 subscribers . . . . . . don't you think somethings wrong here ? ? No . . . . . . of course you don't.

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