pfSense WireGuard 包 – 項目報告 009

(此視頻中顯示的所有私鑰均已銷毀)最新版本: 項目: WireGuard 支持:GitHub 贊助商: 貝寶: BTC:3DLpMTP1Ddrv2EFT6MbVJ1tKzYYvXAHQNF LTC:MAzGepkVp1yfvvraHZWDsedsFussian 討論: : 。

  1. Christian any idea why the package is still at version 1.1_1 in the Package Manager in pfsense? You』ve done a lot of great work and fixed bugs I』m still seeing. And Netgate still hasn』t rolled out the new version. I check every day when I upgrade to the next Development version.

  2. Great progress on the plugin and I did not know about the way Wireguard was handling DNS for endpoints. Then "Endpoint Resolve Interval" will help a lot of people that would have had issues using dynamic DNS setups.

  3. Very informative video. Nice work around! and this package just keeps getting better and better. You are definitely the right people for the job. Thank You!!

  4. Have you decided how you want to handle Static Routing? I find that is really the only pain point. If there was a way for adding routes on the tunnel page and have that reflect – it would be way easier to see where your routes are going (without having to jump back/forth). Would be great to show it just like your ALLOWED IPS, have a second hover for STATICALLY ROUTED SUBNETS. Or at the very least… maybe just SHOWING the static settings that re relevant and setup under the standard STATIC ROUTES page on the WIRGUARD interface it relates to.

  5. I've been watching your updates for the past month or so. Can't wait any longer, might get off stable and give it a spin this weekend. Any idea if the wireguard package(s) breaks anything

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