OpenWRT – 在 OpenWRT (Wireguard) 上設置 Cloudflare WARP+ VPN

在本視頻中,我將向您展示如何將 Cloudflare WARP+ VPN 與 OpenWRT 結合使用。 我們將為 Teams 設置 Cloudflare,然後獲取配置文件並在 OpenWRT 上設置 Wireguard VPN 客戶端界面。 – 對於此視頻,我使用的是 8devices 的 Habanero DVK。 您可以在此處找到該設備 – 註冊 Cloudflare VPN for Teams – – Cloudflare for Teams Wireguard 配置,作者:Parker C. Stephens – – Cloudflare APK 6.8 – – OpenWRT Wireguard 客戶端設置 – – OpenWRT VPN 策略路由 – 視頻時間範圍:00:00 – 介紹 00:26 – 註冊 Cloudflare VPN for Teams 01:24 – 將您的第一台設備連接到 Cloudflare VPN 03:16 – Cloudflare團隊 Wireguard 配置 03:29 – 下載 Android SDK 並創建虛擬 Android 設備 05:45 – 在虛擬 Android 設備上安裝 Cloudflare WARP 移動應用程序 07:18 – 從 Cloudflare WARP 應用程序中提取 VPN 配置文件 08:37 – 了解配置文件和創建 Wireguard 配置 11:52 – 在 Windows 上測試新的 Wireguard 配置文件 12:40 – 在 OpenWRT 上配置 Wireguard 客戶端 – 使用 Clou dflare WARP 祝你好運,感謝觀看! .

  1. Private Key chỉ lấy đc trên android 5 thì phải còn trên android phiên bản cao hơn key bị mã hoá khác khônv dùng đc

  2. I seem to have followed the steps correctly but I haven't been able to successfully connect to the cloudflare vpn. Is there any other software that must be installed apart from what is described in this tutorial?

  3. seems complicated, can I just use scrcpy and pull config use "real phone" instead download all android studio packages? because the Idea is to pull warp config right?😅 or…?

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