八年後再見冤家互懟,陳安安翻牆發現「變態」竟是昔日男神!|《告別薇安 Farewell Vivian》精彩片段 EP01 (ENG SUB)

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Lin Yu, who plans everything, and Chen An An, a smart and quick-witted girl were deskmates in high school for a short time. After eight years of separation, they reunited and live under the same roof. Despite different personalities and dispute, they often comfort each other. However, what they don’t know is that a wonderful fate called “Vivian” has already sprouted eight years ago and connected the hearts of these two. Because of “Vivian”, they fell in love with each other. And eventually they will bid farewell to “Vivian” and be a better version of themselves.
【Starring】Jin Xi, Hong Junjia

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#告別薇安 #FarewellVivian #ChineseDrama