Trojan War: Captivating History of Epic War

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Who were these Greeks, and what drove them to fight for so long, so far from home? Who were the Trojans, and how were they able to fend off the mighty Greeks for ten long years? Perhaps even more important, what has caused us to tell and retell this story for thousands of years?
This book takes its audience on a journey into Homer』s Iliad and beyond; you』ll be surprised at the workings going on between gods and humans, royalty and commoners, soldiers and their captives. For an exciting ride that ends inside of a wooden horse, come along!

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  1. You are completely leaving out Tyndareus, King of Sparta; Father of Helen, and Clytemnestra whose married Agamemnon after her first husband died/killed under questionable circumstances (purportedly involving Agamemnon), and Euphegenia was probably NOT Agamemnon's daighter.
    Tyndareus has equal, or better historical credibilty than Agamemnon.

  2. Two of the heroes mentioned were Leto and Atreides, whose names became central to Frank Herbert's Dune. This is how myth and storytelling works, and all the endless arguments that such stories are real are just that much wasted air. Will 'scholars' a thousand years from now argue about where in the sky Arrakis is, or will there be 'religions' that pray to Superman? We already have a Jedi religion, it's that easy to captivate the imaginations of people and convince them that fiction is fact. While he was alive Haile Selassie was quite alarmed that the Rastafarian religion had picked him to worship, he denied his godhood and the claims of miracles, but that doesn't matter a bit for Rastas any more than the lack of evidence for Jesus bothers the Christians or Muslims. People prefer the fiction to the fact almost every time.

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